What an utter disgrace to barbs and players

From Nevalistis
"That’s all just background. Here’s what you came to read, and is what you’ll find in the patch notes once 2.6.7 launches:

While we were very happy with how much better Barbarians are performing, we are concerned we may have overshot it. By removing just one silo’d addition, we can observe how the class performance goes for Season 19 and consider re-adding this change in the future. Remember we still have a patch coming up where Barb will be one of the focused classes, so there will be plenty of time to revisit if necessary!"

It’s clear that the “feedback” and balance is created only for the very top tier clears, which is quite remarkably ignorant to balance a class around 1% of it’s players. What about the top tier clears of three other classes that are clearing 142+ with less paragon? DID YOU EVEN READ ANY FEEDBACK?

How are you “concerned” that you overshot it? What about the new monk build and crusader build that are about to go live with ZERO TESTING. If you were worried at all you would’ve left the buff until next patch. I guess smart data gathering over season and non season clears for the next few months until next patch is too much to ask, but hey, let’s just let 2 other builds go through with no testing.

I’m so sick and tired of these lame excuses. How much more feedback do you need? Literally an outcry of over 2 THOUSAND posts and this is what you do! Over 350 likes! How brain dead does someone have to be to see this and think, “yea they’ll just accept the nerf and move on”.

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Honestly, take barb out of D4. I’m so tired of this company. All of your ACTIONS are complete contradictions to everything you say. I heard streamers already saying how barb is weak in D4. Streamers going through barb skills “oh this would be a nice support barb”.

I don’t understand how you could even talk about balance and not address that you’ve left barb at the bottom of the barrel for half a decade. BECAUSE NOTHING YOU SAY HOLDS TRUE TO YOUR ACTIONS.

Blizz made a little speech about the Hong Kong events and while I’m not taking anything from how serious that was, if you look at the main forum thread for barbs. We have more discussion and likes. “we love feedback” Can you actually listen to it for once in your life?

I don’t plan on buying D4. It looks like and works like D3.5. You keep spitting in the face of barbs. I’m done with D3. I’d rather play solitaire than this dumb game. I can’t believe you even mentioned balance. Lmao, how naive. Necro doing 147, wizard doing 148, WD doing 142 with 7k paragon and then you’re about to release 2 UNTESTED builds BUT GOD FORBID YOU GIVE BARB A BUFF.

You had so many people coming back to D3 JUST FOR BARBS and you royally messed it up. I can’t stand blizzard or it’s level of hypocrisy. Proving, once again, that NOBODY in their right mind would trust blizzard to make a good game anymore.