Well it worked - now its down again

I guess I was too trusting, trying to make a new game because now I can’t get back in… again.

Was it necessary to create another thread on this?

Error code 1 - problem starting game - General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums (blizzard.com)


yes. it was. get over it.


Of course, all the children think their thread saying the same thing is more important, or will make more of a difference than the ones before them.

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“The squeaky wheel gets the oil” is a saying for a reason. And it works.

Theyre aware of the issue. Theyre working on it.

Children throwing tantrums on the forum is not going to speed it up.

Maybe if Blizz hadnt acknowledged it, or werent aware of it I would agree, but thats not the case, and these multiple threads will accomplish nothing.

Is that what you say when you don’t like someone’s complaint? It’s a “child throwing a tantrum”. What a cliché. This is an internet forum. They are used for complains. Welcome to the internet. Also, again, the squeaky wheel gets the oil. It works. The more complaints, the more pressure to fix. You “not liking this” is irrelevant to the process. Walk away and do something else if it bothers you. No one made you enter the thread. Get over yourself.

edit: It’s hilarious watching the icon of you typing right below me. I know you’re making some dumb post about how mad you are. TAP TAP TAP! I’ll SHOW HIM! Thereby making yourself a complete hippocrite on the matter. Internet people…

Get over myself? Im pointing out that there is no good to come from repeating the same thing over and over while theyre working on it. If you think that it has any impact on the speed a solution is implemented, you are as dense as they are.

Hypocrite? I dont think that word means what you think it does. Especially because you cant spell it.

Here’s some helpful life advice for you. If you don’t like something, don’t go towards it. If you’re not interested in a thread, don’t open it and complain about it. Do something else with your time. No one cares about your mini mod corporate boot licking.


See, now youre ACTUALLY being hypocritical. You dont like me calling out the dumb, move on lil guy.