Weapon Throw: What the Hell?

I don’t know the mechanics, but Ricochet seems to give more progress than Mighty Throw, overall. I think it’s when the area effects of Ricochet compounds with AD procs, you get this burst of clearing power. And then you have situations where the triple blue Elites are in perfect position and the above is taking place, it’s a sight to see.

I finally managed to set aside a bit of time to play some Weapon Throw.

Cleared 117, on the first rift I saw after opening/closing a couple till I got a good map. I think the setup I’m using here is the best overall: IK + Aughild, and picking up Witching Hour as well for some extra dps. This is a “pure” Weapon Throw build- Boulder Toss is basically just a Fury dump here and does very little damage.

I’m about 4k paragon, but only have modest augs on some of this gear: about 650 points worth total, so about 4700 effective paragon, equivalent to a 3400p character with rank 100 augs on every piece. So, this is about what you’d expect to see at 3.5k paragon if you’re actually building for success.

Think I could definitely do 120 with a bit of fishing.

Btw, I think this is the optimal LoD setup (just the overall layout, didn’t pick individual stats), which should be about as good: https://d3.maxroll.gg/d3planner/569558970


I like the idea Rage (great compilation of thought and comparison as well) - Path #2 seems the best way to go with this.

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Well, Path #2 is definitely the one they followed. But, there’s no reason they can’t do both Path #2 and Path #3- all that’s needed is a bit more direct damage on Weapon Throw itself. That won’t effect Raekor builds at all, since that set doesn’t buff WT damage.


Nice! I’ll be trying it out. Can throw up a D3planner link?

I really hope they do this.

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Sorry, on phone right now which makes D3planner pretty challenging. But, I show all gear/skills at the end of the video.

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Might it be better to take Swords to Ploughs? I mean, how much damage is Bloodshed contributing? You don’t get the Bastion’s effect like with H90 Frenzy, and you’re definitely not grouping like you would with Rend, so WT isn’t hitting as many targets as other builds that rely on more densely packed clusters of mobs. It is, however, critting like mad.

A good bit. I mean, Ricochet can only hit 3 targets per cast (or other runes, 1 per cast) so a lot of your damage to most mobs on those big pulls is coming from chipping them down with Bloodshed.

Some napkin math: you’re in a big fight with 50 mobs within 20 yards (Bloodshed range). About 90% of your direct damage comes from crits. Each target hit with ricochet takes, let’s say, 100 damage.

So then Bloodshed does 90 * .333 (Ricochet proc coeff.) * 0.2 (Bloodshed % of crits) * 3 (number of hits per Ricochet cast) = 18 damage. So, that’s an 18% increase to the guys you were hitting with WT (100–> 118), and of course the other 47 mobs within 20 yards will take 18 damage per hit, rather than zero.

Significantly improves your clear speed!

I know that the gear you’re using is whatever dropped. And I think you had 2 stats with IAS and 2 with AD. How important do you think IAS is?

Well I think my gloves have both AD and AS, and my Oathkeeper is the other one I guess.

AS ought to make a significant damage difference, but I’d have to dig into the breakpoint table for WT to know exactly which rolls are ideal.

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It seems that it’s best to keep Bloodshed and place LoH on weps. Not knowing any better, would roll my weps as such IAS (depending on the breakpoints)/AD/LoH (making up STR as I go). It’s going be fun play pure WT and WT/BT.

How about IK5-H90-2? Have some pretty tough rolls on gear, stun-freeze, etc. gloves, belt, weapons…but double damage and extra time on shouts. Seems ok so far…

For HOTA? I discussed that a whole bunch with a fellow in the IK HOTA thread, starting roughly here.

tldr: roughly as good as the standard IK HOTA setup, maybe a little bit worse.

Or, for Charge? 11x on Raekor beats maybe 2-3x from H90 Shouts + Freeze/Stun, pretty handily.

Just for WT build… Spear-chucker…


Oh, hmm… sure, could be fun! Would definitely help that Bloodshed damage a bit. There’s a bit of an issue with your skill bar: you’d really want to cram Stomp in there, to take advantage of the extra damage to stunned enemies. But you really MUST take: WOTB, Ancients, Weapon Throw, Boulder Toss, BR: Bloodshed. That leaves just one spot. If you take Stomp, you can group mobs, and proc BoM, but it’s easy to get pinned by enemies, which is pretty dangerous.

If you don’t take Stomp, I guess you can pick up some Freeze/Stun rolls on gear. You attack really fast, so should proc quite frequently. That’s probably the best solution.

Ya, seems pretty good with gear rolls correct. Just an alternate throw build .

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Times running out and I hope CM’s are relaying to the Devs that Weapon Throw desperately need a damage buff.

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This would’ve never been an issue had they listened about the frenzy barb set and made it affect all primary skills…



I mean, what would have been the state of the build before this patch? You’d be getting the H90 bonus, rather than the IK, which is 101/41 = 2.46x more power, or about 6 GR levels. That would have the build doing… maybe GR 106 at 3.5k paragon.

That’s still super terrible.

Ran another 117 with IK6 + H902. Took me a couple tries. Felt pretty good, maybe a hair weaker than an Aughild setup.