We require feedback as well, Bliz

Thank you for giving us a heads up that you are reading the forums. But it is very true I’m doing tons of testing on PTR especially with the GoD DH build. And the interaction with the pierces just to fix missle dampening is breaking the whole entire set to the ground. Even at 5300 Paragon and max out gear have to fish for GR130 let alone a Paragon 14,000 barley cleared 140. Videos have been posted to even show what has happened to the set. Please keep us updated.

As a DH and WD player I can confirm this.

I really would like to know what the hell were they thinking when they completely butchered the best builds for both classes which were nowhere near overperforming.


@Kirottu’s post

I’m a WD player and I strongly agree with ^

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I just wanted to add that I’m a long time Witch Doctor player and I was testing on PTR. I found it very sad to me that such a fun idea of solo buffs were not enough to make me want to play. Witch doctor and Demon Hunter classes are being nerfed far too much for no good reason. They are not overpowered and in particular the Witch Doctor Class has no place in the game anymore.

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I suspect that Blizzard is looking both at the GR clear data and player’s comments on the PTR. I bet there will be changes. It is the PTR not set in stone.

The solution (I hope) is that the class set bonus is greatly increased so that overall GoD is strong but not OP. Ideally, the GoD set is a primary skill set but currently “everyone” use the devouring arrow rune of HA. By “breaking HA”, the class set bonus can go up, reducing the RNG related to missile dampening, and make other primary skills more comparable.

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I hope you are right. There’s so much that WD needs changes for but I’m just not sure blizzard will have time to address them.


Thaaaaaaaank you! =)

No offense, but I’ve seen this lines before however I have almost never have seen that our point of view actually has an impact.

I’ve not played for several years now soly due to the fact that everytime you guys mess around with the class I almost exclusively play, Wizard, you go around in, and I can’t put this any nicer, the most idiotic way to fix things. And I’m pretty sure there are, or should I say were, lots of people around feeling the same about their beloved class.