WD 6pcs Big Bad Voodoo bug

New WD 6pcs set has Big Bad Voodoo to follow “you”, presumably the caster. I have noticed, both in town and in Rifts/GRs, that Big Bad Voodoo has a tendency to follow another player.

I have also noticed this. They also do not follow between rift levels.

I did notice this too but thought it was due to lag.

game sound follows bbv too.

BBV is still bugged after new PTR Patch.
It still disappers when changing zones.

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I can confirm BBV still despawns when changing zones.

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Triple confirmation that it’s still bugged. BBV also disappears if cast before a boss fight cutscene. The downtime makes the set useless in this scenario as it’s a major part of the damage base.

Posting here to make sure it gets noticed/fixed before the PTR is closed.