Way too low for what exactly?

Things you can do at P800 season that you can’t do in non-season at the same paragon.

Solo GR150 with Tragouls
Solo GR144 with Tals
4-main groups in under 8 minutes.

You still get XP. You don’t get power creep.

So how much lazy easy power do you actually need to stay interested? Your XP gain doesn’t stop.

Paragon-dependent players seem to think that solo-ing GR150 should be standard in seasons - altar, shards, ethereals.

It’s seems like everyone got spoiled with 2-minute GR150 clears with the Altar.


Huum maybe because most of us like farm paragon and see our character getting toughness and power for up our best GR ?

Don’t think all players farm 150 in 2 min lol


Paragon for power had altars, shard, ethereals, and even clones w/ 4 cube slot.

I wouldn’t mind the paragon cap being for SSF only. That way the SSF people can make point out how poorly the non-SSF play without having P5000K toughness.

Well yeah there are two broken overpowered builds that also synergize with the new paragon distribution.

Try to replicate that with anything on Crusader


the game is 12 years old. do you suggest farming 25gr? like season 3?


GR150 can be cleared in 4 -man in under 8 minutes.

I can farm GR90 in under 2 minutes at P800.

How much faster do you need to farm to stay interested?

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I can do 110 in under 2 mins, doesn’t change the fact that it feels wholly unrewarding to play with only a minuscule chance of actually progressing the char by getting one of 13 items better than I already have.

That’s what Paragon does, it gives you guaranteed progress for your time.


Well, not everyone wants to play Necro or Wiz. Not everyone wants to play Tragouls or Tals.
These 2 builds were beyond op last season and obviously are op this season.

Paragon helps other builds reach GR150 with additional farming.

But with paragon cap, all other builds have no chance of reaching near GR150 while top builds sits easily at GR150.


So let me understand what you’re saying. It’s seems like you’re saying that unless there’s some lazy powerboost mechanic that allows every class can solo GR150 like altars, ethereals and shards - then the season isn’t worth playing?


It’s not about worth playing. It’s about the power difference across the classes and with paragon cap, there’s no way to overcome the power difference. I gave GR 150 example because that is the max level in the game.

Say a WD build struggles to complete GR105 at paragon 800. But at paragon 1300, it can reach GR115-120. This is not possible with paragon cap.

But a Tal wizard or Tragoul necro smashes GR140 at paragon 800.


Paragon doesn’t overcome imbalances in classes sets. WD will continue to be less powerful that Tal and Tragouls at the same paragon level.

At a paragon cap, all WD running a specific set will be playing on a more level playing field.

If running 150 is so important, you can always grind paragon in non-season and try to solo GR150 there - nothing is stopping you.

There’s absolutely no reason to play this season unless you want a level playing field for the most amount of players.


Ockham with a bunch of strawman arguments.


And you not answering the question: too low for what exactly?

My contention is that the paragon cap levels the playing field of the leaderboards for the most amount of players. And I consider that the purpose of this season.

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Sure but it’s most of your other claims that are strawmen.

On the level playing field matter: that’s also an illusion. There is really no level playing field because players come in all different sizes, shapes and forms… and then there is RNG on top of that. And lots of players don’t really care about the leaderboards


It’s a more level playing field. And yes RNG plays a factor, but after you farm 4000 keys like I did last season for my non-season push after the roll over, it evens out eventually. You only need one good Orek’s Dream.

And for the all players that don’t care about the leaderboards, wasn’t ethereals, shards and the altar good enough for your turn?

Try going tank 1 in all classes then?

Paragon cap is years too late.

Right. Anything higher than 800 is to high for the average player, but you expect the average player to farm 4k keys for one push? That seems like two very different averages.

No. All classes aren’t fun to play.

It’s wholly to late. At this point it’s entirely counterproductive to try.


So we have to wait a good number of years for ethereals and soul shards to return? Besides that some of the builds that were OP with ethereals and shards no longer work because they were ‘patched out’.

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Anything higher than 800 reduces the amount of people willing to grind out more paragon in order to compete on the leaderboards.

Having the ability to compete (lowest paragon to attract the most amount of players) vs how well you compete (farming thousands of keys) are two different things.

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Think you got that backwards. 800 paragon is far too small a carrot for most players to chase. It is super easy to get 1600 paragon playing 2-3 hours a week. If you are playing less than 2-3 hours a week average, you are super casual and highly unlikely to compete on the LB’s.

Once players hit P800, the gear progression drops off significantly. With no more paragon, there is little sense of power projection. We are going to see a ton of players grind P800 in the first week, then be done for the Season. Bounty Madness isn’t enough for players to stick around.