Warning: Code 30

i’ve got it sitting in menus. Friends have got it in-game. Doesn’t seem to affect anything. Click ‘OK’ and continue.

I had this error too. It was logged in the D3Debug.txt log file.

2019.08.21 00:36:08.387708200 ProcessClientRequest RPC failed with error:30, request:attribute { name: “Version” value { string_value: “” } } attribute { name: “CustomMessageId” value { int_value: 271 } }
2019.08.21 00:36:08.393689400 WARNING: SendWarden3Custom error:30 attribute_spaceused:16481 msg:attribute { name: “Version” value { string_value: “” } } attribute { name: “CustomMessageId” value { int_value: 271 } }
2019.08.21 00:36:08.398408900 >>> asdfasdf ---------------- ModalNotificationManager::SetOkNotification: There was an error. (Code 30)

Kinda looks like “Error 30” is the new take on the classic BB8 from the Battle.net client, i.e. it’s the “catch-all” now.

They missed a golden opportunity not making it Error 42.


I got it too during a GR.

Got error 30 after clicking on stash. Was enchanting Wailing Host at Mystic, then unsocket amulet. Was moving to stash.

Googled “diablo3 error 30” to come across a 2012:

The Diablo 3 Error LIST!!!

Error 28: Go outside
Error 29: We aren’t peddling the servers fast enough
Error 30: The error between 29 and 31
Error 31: We spent all our money on t.v. ads
Error 32: It’s ok we are calling Comcast about the issue


I got that too, while doing GR…
Apparently, it show up everytime i open the game, approximately 5min after start playing, and show only once per session.

Alright, this is odd indeed. Seeing what I can find out. Maybe another MVP has heard of this or I can get a TS response. Also a new Error 80 in the TS forum which I have not heard of either.

I’ve got the error 30 twice. Yesterday a few minutes after logging in sitting in town and today about 30 seconds after logging in and starting a bounty run.

I got the error code 30. Afterward I noticed that my health globe did not show lost health due to damage. I even had cheat death passive trigger and it still showed full globe (CDeath always empties my globe).

4 times last night. Once while in town, swapping gear. The other three in GRs.

Got it several times yesterday while playing Season end stash tetris.

Getting them frequently since patch . Not sure what it is but it’s beginning to be annoying as hell

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I’ve seen Error 30 popup several times since the patch but I didn’t think about reporting it because I assumed it was related to the wife’s Disney Circle device monitoring my every move on the interwebs. Glad to know it’s not just me. :slight_smile:

You never know! One of the most common crash causes in D3 is overlays and outside software. If it went from crashing to codes then that is an improvement?


I have run this through the Tech Support chain and a second Data Analyst person. It has been pushed forward, but given it is not stopping game play I don’t know that I will ever hear back.

Exactly what i thought, something like, an exception was captured and threw and error message. Not treated exception (not fixed, but circumvented)

I think its odd that didn’t happened on ptr…

I do too, but Blizzard sometimes works in mysterious ways. All I could do was push it to folks who could escalate. I don’t expect a fast fix. I am pleased it is not crashing games or corrupting data though.

To be honest don’t bother me at all.
Only happens once per session with me, usually 2-5min after i logged on, i could not notice any changes in game (reason or trigger for the error).
As it show a code, blizzard sure knows where to look.

This happened to me just now. I opened an Act II cache while trying to get the new plans. One of them dropped, but I couldn’t tell which one was it because the error appeared the moment I opened my cache.

Played quite a bit today and no code 30 . First time I actually played the game without the error since patch . Maybe they got it fixed .