Vyr's Chantodo Wizard Feedback

People keep saying it’s 10 levels above but it really isn’t. WD highest world clear is 140, DH 139, Necro 142 etc. Chantodo 144. It is stronger, but not by that much.


Exactly, its not 10 GR’s above Necro, or even Barb now. 10k para for Barb WW/rend did 140 GR. Personally, I think the WW/R is still too weak. It need more power so that people in the 2-4k para range don’t have to fish for hours for a ‘good rift’, and can actually progess with it.
Its the same argument I’m making for Vyr/Chants. They could have slightly lowered the damage output of Chants instead the hidden AS buff. But, I’m confident I will not be listened to on this, so…


For the sake of balance, nerfing one or buffing all the others is the same.

I tested NS PTR in gr 115, By using vyr chando non squirt’s version and tal rasha meteor. Both sets clear time close each other which is 11.43 min .
Tal rasha 4.8 mil dps
vyr 4.4 mil dps
Highest crit dmg, both sets around 90-110 tril dmg. Vyr have absolute zero while tal rasha have non. Nerf should be tuned if this nerf going to be live version soon.

at what paragon did you do the testing at? paragon is a HUGE factor when testing because the average playerbase is still 2-4k paragon

I just average player whose playing gr 110-120. My paragon is 3415 in the PTR .

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