Valla's Bequest - GoD interaction?

All players in Top 100 leaderboard with under 4k paragon are using Valla’s Bequest. Could someone really figure out what is the actual benefit of this weapon? I’m afraid we will all end up using it assuming there is a mysterious bug.

I assumed that the strafe piercing is useful to make more mobs aware of your presence hence favoring their gathering to proc more AD and the piercing stack of HA.

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Like the testing…What I noticed going GR90 (not sub p1000) 2 min left with Dawn/Valla’s request and much faster using Dawn/Fortess…same gems same level.

As mentionned by Iria in the other post linked here, there is also a free stat if u roll the bonus damage to strafe off.
That is pretty neat too ! :slight_smile:

Yeah, let’s continue the conversation in Iria’s topic below to consolidate all useful information.