Uuuggg D4 world tiers? ugggggg

And here you are using “bro” and “dude” to reply to everyone.


Best comment today this is for you :point_right: :beer: :pizza:


Beer and pizza? Don’t mind if I do. Thanks!

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Now all you need is a blender and you’ll have a smoothie!

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Gear checks for $$$.
Eventually you can buy gear from the shop.
No matter how hard they deny they’ll sell power.

Soom tm they will have no say anymore and we all know M$ is all about the money…

Best case outcome, governments stop the merger with M$.

Oh, the troll is back


I like increasing difficulties myself as it gives you goals and rewards for reaching them. In D3 you only hit dead difficulties when you are too slow or join late, but you can still hit T16 easily solo. And if you cared about being at the top of the leaderboards then falling behind was never an option anyway.

Because there is a video about it:

Your opinion is complete merde.

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Why do I feel like I read a thread posted by someone that somehow escaped the beach in the middle of a surfing event?

Bruh. Bro. Whatever. Yikes. We aren’t your bro. lol

Game on.


There’s clearly a personal sarcasm we didn’t get somewhere.
Imagine yourself as you enjoy the beach, then this 89 years old dude with socks, sandals, shorts, with a surfing board under his arm, calling you a “dude bro”.


i literally hope so, dude, but i’ve literally only been wrong once, bro.

:cheese:i hate crapes, dude. They’re just pancakes for babies. :wine_glass:

Well bro as one in the beta, let me tell you that you’re wrong bro. While i get where you might see some similarities, it’s quite different from what you think. Bro.


Yes. But he has only quit D4 37 times. He would not be the quittiest quitter of all time unless he quit the game at least 267 times before it is even released, then buy game only to quit it another 943 times. He then will buy another 42 copies with which he will quit each copy another 97 times each. At this point, you would think he had hit the quitting zenith, but he will play and quit one more time to cement his legacy.


Difficulty levels basically. You start with 1(easy) and 2(normal) then proceed through 3 more as you progress when you feel ready. There are bisses you have to defeat to unlock new tiers, and a penultimate boss at the end of tier 5.

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Looks like 2,601 times.


Citation needed. This won’t happen unless the game is an utter failure financially and they move in like they did with D3.

Faith simply has no faith. It’s just what they think will happen.

It is clear that the more you pump up the game with effects, AE violence, speed and an item spiral in the end game, number comparison and balancing as a result, that the actual RPG suffers more and more until it is just a farce.

Well honestly, I don’t think this is a truth you are speaking it is an opinion. Still Diablo is very much a game of number comparison and utilizing those numbers in combat, it is not a RPG game like Star Wars KOTOR. I don’t want a game like Exanima playing Diablo, I want a Exanima in design more akin of Diablo or essentially a clone, still it would then not be an RPG like Exanima is but rather an ARPG as the loot, progression and skills can enable that. I think even though I spent more hours into D1 and d2 that D3 is a better game in terms of how fun the combat feels though very much less a better game in terms of world and enemy design. I didn’t like D3 very much at all during launch as the skills was to exagurated and not connected to what weapon you were wearing, like the bolas skill etc.
Though in D4 the skills are clearly connected to what weapon you are using and very fluid good looking animations, where the hit detection is so precise that if you strike an enemy with an arrow in the foot it will actually start the collision for the death animation ragdoll from that point also changing animation depending on what element or dmg type all in a very procedural nice way, I don’t know what you have seen that looks and plays better than D4. Throne of Darkness might be up your alley if you want a ARPG closer akin to a RPG experience, try it.
I am not that keen for the RPG aspect by itself, I like the mathematic, mechanical and procedural aspect of gameplay so I can immerse in different systems and classes but also the combat. The endgame is all the way in Diablo 2 or Diablo 1 as you can find an item at very low level that is viable all the way through to the higher difficulties if it is a good drop, I also think this is the case in D4 but it doesn’t have to be as such as it is a more refined and longer game than both D1 and D2.
Diablo is not about the violence per say or the liking of violence, it’s about how fun the gameplay is, it looks and feels fun because it is very well made, they even made 3 layers of the enemies with skin muscle tissue and bones for nice looking death effects to take place. Have you even seen any footage to as how the barbarian gameplay looks and the improvments how hit detection now works that it is physicalized hit detection? It is flawless in design in many department’s. I think a RPG experience is not very fun for a Diablo game, maybe Alaloth: Champions of The Four Kingdoms is more up your alley as a game? Check Alaloth: Champions of The Four Kingdoms on steam and you have an RPG just what you are asking for. Diablo will never be that game for you as it is community driven by endgame loving people and developers and have always been like that. Even Diablo 1 has a loot driven endgame where you blast everything of screen with chain lightning and cast mana shield that saves you from alot etc.