Upgraded to Windows 10 much lag

D3 has never been smooth as silk on any PC I’ve built due to micro stutters.
The stutters seem less noticeable at 60hz but when you run 120-144hz it really shows.
The only remedy to this was to spread the D3 process out to less cores.
I think the game engine was not future proofed well and wasn’t setup to handle multiple cores and push above 60hz.

Well, there must be something wrong with the computers you built, or the software you used. I have no micro stutters, and I run my refresh rate at 120 Hz.

I did a no-no and installed D3 my wife’s “work” laptop (i7 10th gen, 16gb memory, Nvidia, I picked myself😁) that she got for Christmas. It’s a beast. Absolutely no stutter, whatsoever. “That’ll do pig”, until I get my memory.

Timber, are you suggesting that you can play in a 4man game and maintain 120FPS without ever dipping below 120?
I would LOVE to see a video of that since I am 100% sure that is not the case given the way this game performs even on godlike machines.

Don’t know, I only play solo now, but when I did play in groups, I never had any stutters.

Also, low frame rates have nothing to do with micro stutters. They aren’t the same thing at all.

IDK if I’m classified to determine what’s considered stuttering, but I’ve never experienced smoother gameplay before today. The mentioned above laptop is turning me into a believer.

Try playing a greater rift 4 player game. FPS drop significantly on the most godlike of PCs.
Stuttering seems to be CPU related.
When the Windows 10 OS separates the D3 process evenly across cores, there is less stuttering BUT this is not consistant and happens across all Windows OS’s.

Every player that applies my suggestions has verified to have better FPS and less stuttering whether on old or new computers. I am simply trying to help since I have spent a ton of time and money into making this game play smoother then it does.

There is a reason the Devs will not give us more then 4 players in a game and additional stash space, the engine can’t handle it :frowning:

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Again, lower fps is not micro-stutter. And since I don’t play in groups, why should I change my settings?

I never said you should :wink:
I was replying a solution to the OP not you.

If you have 8gb of memory you really don’t Virtual memory. Plus using a SSD with virtual memory isn’t really a good idea. Plus yes adding more memory is the way to go.

I play a lot GR’s and I don’t see any FPS drop. But again I don’t play GR 100 or more. I could careless about the leader-board. But it is good that if people do some of your changes. It might help play higher GR’s.

Hey there,

Lets go ahead and grab a DxDiag so we can further investigate the problem. Here are the instructions:

  1. Press Windows Key + R.
  2. Type DxDiag and press Enter.
  3. In the DxDiag window, click Save All Information.
  4. Name the file “dxdiag” and click Save
  5. Once you have that made, open the file. You’ll need to copy and paste the contents of the Text document into the post, and put four Tilde (~) marks above the DXDiag. It’ll look like this:
DXDiag goes here

If you have issues pasting here, please use Pastebin and post the link (ex: Pastebin (dot) com/123456).

Memory can in last night, back in business!