[Updated] Season 19 Abuse of Game Mechanics

This is not accurate in my opinion. Greater rifts are supposed to be cleared using only the monsters in the greater rift and not a combination of monsters inside and outside of the GR.

This is not accurate either. Without the seasonal buff, this particular exploit would not exist. Please read the first sentence of Nevalistis’s post copied below for your convenience.


Yea but they specifically said they wont clarify it.

I don’t disagree with you in principle, but that’s not what Nev said. The entirety of her first point was talking about using a “group buff” which I assume she means having people outside the GR assist with the mob leashing.

The wording of it actually kind of makes me wonder if Blizzard really understands what happened, as it was not a group buff or any kind of sharing of stacks that enabled these clears.


I’d really appreciate some clarification on this. My understanding is that this exploit is possible, though considerably more time consuming, to do solo as well. The crux of the issue to me seems to be the way stacks from the seasonal buff can be carried over and maintained when moving between a greater rift and the outside world. Are we going to see any steps taken to address this?

Ok but what exactly is the exploit? Should buffs not carry over from outside a GR? Because I’ve been getting soul harvest stacks on my WD outside GR’s forever if they drop on the guardian. Is that an exploit as well?

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Blizzard frowns upon discussing specifics of exploit(s) for obvious reasons. As such, I will no go into details.

Ideally, buffs should not carry over from outside the GR itself.

Lets get real here. Players took what blizzard made and they did more with it than was intended. THIS HAPPENS ALL THE TIME. Do you think blizzard intended all the builds that are out there to function as they do??? No players took what blizzard gave them and created things unintended.

Banning eggman for manipulating the seasonal buff the way he did is not right. If you used the same logic then you should ban any player that used starpact as this build was unintended to work as it does by blizzard.

You should ban lots of people for lots of things.

You label this as a cheat or an exploit. I call it a bug or a smart player finding the holes in blizzards self image of infallibility.

And to all those trolls who want to kiss blizzards rectum and cry, enjoy!


Ok, but they do, and they have forever. It’s been a strat for multiple classes in past seasons to leave the GR and come back. They’ve never banned anyone, they’ve never even talked about it. But now, all of the sudden they want to take a stance? Come on…


Maybe the stacks drop when you port out the zone now.

The exploit is more complicated than this.

It is working as shared IT infrastructure. Same hardware is used to host multiple game instances. Problem is overall number of calculations that hardware need to process… not only from your game but from all games that are hosted on it.

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It’s not though. If we ignore the Blue because they obviously have no idea what they’re talking about with this group thing, it boils down to a buff from outside the GR, being brought in to the GR. Something that has been in the game forever.


a question to Nev and you all:

i‘ve found a method to let monsters spawn continously.
So i‘m able
a) to stack the seasonal buff endless and
b) to meet the seasonal Diablo repeatedly

so please help:
is this a bug, an exploit ?
am I abusing ?

The method is already reported to the „hack-hotline“

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This exploit as was performed is though.

I mean I watched it live. It was extremely easy to understand and replicate. It just takes a long time to set up properly. Not complicated whatsoever.

So you say bots and thud are banable and yet do NOTHING do deal with it. I can name 50 players on top of EU leaderboards that use bots and they still play. I can also name few people that use bots for more than 5 seasons (thats over a year !) and never had ban. So please tell me… how bots are banable ?

And don’t get me started on thud… this is so common that when you look for a group to play on communities you NEED to use thud or they will just kick you. I’ve been kicked from many groups just because i don’t use thud to play znecro or zbarb. And those people said exactly that they will kick me for lack of it. Thats why i play alone these days… comunities are like cancer.


There seems to be a lot of digging into nuance to try to justify some behavior over others, so I’m going to share what the fix is going to be as I think it’s the easiest way to clarify this without giving a how-to guide on performing the exploit. Again, going to warn everyone here: do not post the steps to the exploit on the forums; it is not permitted, and you will lose your posting privileges.

  • In order to maintain the Pandemonium buff, both the player and the monster being killed must be in the same “world.” Rifts (of either kind) are their own “world,” as are different zones of the world map.

I’ve also seen call-outs to other personal player buffs using the same technique. Throughout the years, we have systematically “whack-a-mole” fixed cases where buffs are being generated outside a Rift and carried into it, on a case-by-case basis depending on the severity of the impact. If the behavior feels necessary, even mandatory, to basic gameplay, then it may be worth revisiting the design entirely to fix that.

I’m taking that feedback to the team to discuss further. In the meantime, I hope this provides the clarity you’re looking for.

Players are always going to find things our design and QA teams miss; there’s simply more of you than there are us! When those efforts create degenerative gameplay that begins to feel necessary, that’s a problem. Now that we’ve identified it, we’re asking you do not abuse this problem while we work to address it—for the greater health of the game.


Where is Matthew today? What you did to him?!!! :slight_smile:


Maybe he absconded to the Blizzard Cocoa, Cider, and Kolache event!

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Tyvm! Ill double check my posts from now. In the later one I was just wondering wich was the sollution the team found for that issue.