Often times suggestions/feedback are gauged off community response. So for example, someone suggesting “add feature A” with 3-4 people responding in agreement will be weighted less than someone suggesting “add feature B” with 100’s of people responding in a full blown discussion. So a repost, especially in GD, gives this a chance to gain support.
As for posts here in Bug Report, they are read by the QA teams only. Across all Bliz games, the ‘support forums’ (bug and tech support) are not read by the development teams (or CMs) so they won’t see feedback, suggestions, etc that are put there. The devs only pull from the ‘discussion forums’, so any of those things would need to be posted there for a chance of catching the dev’s attention. Additionally, the personnel manning the support forums don’t collect or forward feedback, suggestions, etc. So anything like that is lost to void.
As for the recipe clarification being on their radar, I don’t know. It could be on the list but just a lower priority that they will get to once the more severe issues are resolved. But, it can’t hurt to try again in a more populated forum.