UE6 Hungering Arrow Video

We’re on a roll. In this video you can see the Endless Walk + Echoing Fury + Ess of Johan combination. I am partial to Endless Walk, but it might not be for everyone. The audible of HA shooting at high frequency is addicting. I rate this about 1-2 GRs higher than M6 Hungering Arrow because:

  • It’s much more mobile.
  • It can do more damage with Echoing Fury.
  • It fits in Ess of Johan AND Flavor of Time.

M6 has the defensive advantage, I feel much safer with Marauders.

Will this be the leading DH build next patch? Maybe we’ll find out tomorrow.


Shhhhhhh… (so am I)

so this could be good for 128ish now?

Someone did UE+Hungering on NA on live server. And its front page.

It will absolutely compete with Multishot. It is less fishy and requires less skill.

On a separate note, I was considering trying a dual skill setup too, but mathematically it is weaker.

Swap Stricken for Simplicity and go dual element.

Run the build without Captain Crimson.

F&R, Cubed CoE, Hunters Wrath Worn, Cubed Depth Diggers.

Run Dark Heart and mainly spam Hungering Arrow until getting to Physical Cycle.

It’ll be super fragile off Vengeance, it is technically stronger than the normal F&R w/ CC3.

Standard Build (F&R and CC3)
4 * 1.4 * 1.45 * 1.5 = 12.18x

Alternative Standard (EW, CoE, CC3)
6 * 1.4 * 1.45 * 1.5 * 0.685 * 1.4 = 17.52x

Dual Skill (F&R, CoE, DD)
(5 * 1.18 * 1.45) + (3 *1.18 * 1.3) * 1.2 = 15.78x

Dual Skill Hybrid (F&R, CoE, CC3, No DD)
(5 * 1.2 * 1.45 * 0.5) + (3 * 1.2 * 1.3) * 1.2 = 10.83x

Maybe the synergy of having really good single target damage could make up for it being situationally better?

I’ll have to check the leaderboard to see what the person did.

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Cool, i just saw the board, a bright idea to mix in Aughild.

Dual Skill (F&R, CoE, DD)
(5 * 1.18 * 1.45) + (3 *1.18 * 1.3) * 1.2 = 15.78x

HA w/ Aughild (EW, CoE, A3)
6 * 1.4 * 1.45 * 1.3 * 1.4 = 22.16x

Yeah i think thats him. Was watching his stream. No condi, 11mins++.

One guy dropped by “Rascalgod” laughed at him for playing something silly.

Said something like UE not Multishot, dumb weirdo

I put it together quick and found survival was real rough at 33k dex. I do not recommend it unless you have the paragon to bring that toughness up to 500-700M.

GR125 was positive progress, GR127 was exactly what I’d expect from running without Aughild, that toughness loss is dps loss.