UE Multishot needs buff 4tiers

Silly question, but how do the pierces work with HA? Say I have Envious Blade in the cube and shoot a monster. The initial hit at full life is a guaranteed crit. Does that flag carry for the duration, or does it recalc for each hit after the first?

If the lighting rune of Spike Trap can work correctly in Natalya’s 4P (pull) and 6P (25% damage stack 10 times), can it be the most suitable rune for fast clear?Fire and ice rune are good at mobs,but less than 3 monsters(often is elite),lighting rune gains the more higher damage than other runes.
I like fast clear GR125. there is a bug on lighting rune, which makes me can’t use it. This makes me feel very pity.Mr.dmkt,what do you think of lighting rune?

…doing 150’s with ue set on console at 4k paragon…don’t think it’s the set that’s the issue man.

I have 1500 paragon and I’m not struggling at 120s but it’s seasonal so it’s very different…