Tyrael is so powerful

I think Tyrael is more powerful than the Prime Evils.

Aidan fully controlled by Diablo , cant defeat him. Needed help.

Tal Rasha fully controlled by Baal.

I think Tyrael is very powerful.

I would have to disagree. As powerful as I believe Tyrael to be, I don’t see him being stronger than any of the prime evils by himself, maybe the lesser evils (since he did bested Azmodan in the past). Diablo when he was possessing Aidan didn’t have access to his full power as such couldn’t do much against Tyrael, same can be said about Baal.

i dont know , lore never said that Prime Evils are stronger. I think Diablo is stronger , but Mephisto and Baal … another story

Same can be said regarding Tyrael being stronger than the prime evils. There’s been nothing lore wise to suggest that Tyrael is or was stronger than any of the Prime Evils.

I think he must be very powerful.

He bested Imperius , Azmodan.

He bested Imperius … if he could do that i think he can defeat Baal , or Mepisto too .

Tyrael and Imperius are considered equals.
Also besting imperius in a bout doesn’t make Tyrael stronger than Baal or Mephisto as there’s nothing in the lore to imply that Imperius was stronger than Baal or Mephisto.

Diablo was just little bit stronger than Imperius :smiley: :smiley: Mephisto and Baal are weaker than Diablo . They all must be equal. Only Diablo can be stronger.

If Imperius nearly defeated Diablo , i think than he easely can defeat Mephisto or Baal

When did Imperius nearly bested Diablo?

The video they released shortly before the launch of D3, called “Wrath.”

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Are we talking about the “wrath” promotional video? If so, Diablo nearly won that one and would’ve done so if not for the arrival of the angiris council.

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I Think :

2. Tyrael/Imperius
3. Azmodan / Belial
4. Mephisto/Baal

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Personally I think it may be more:

  1. Diablo
  2. Baal and Mephisto
  3. Tyrael and Imperius
  4. Lesser Evils

Sadly, I can’t properly gauge the rest of the Angiris Council.

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Mephisto the skinny , he had done nothing. How could be he stronger than Belial. Belial big , powerful with great magic.

Mephisto was Belial’s teacher, also he overtook and corrupted the Zakarum. Belial only possessed a child and rained fire on a city lacking protection.

yes he was , his mentor , he is older for that he has more knowledge than Belial.
Belial nearly tore the imperial palace apart.

Again, that was primarily because Caldeum had no magical barrier protecting it similar to how the Kurast Docks had the Gidbinn blade or Mount Arreat had the Barrier created by the Elder’s sacrifice. Those things protected the areas from being destroyed outright by Mephisto and Baal. Caldeum had none of those, so it’s no surprise that Belial was able to rain fire down on the city.

True , but in raw power Belial is the better

We do not know for certain as there’s nothing lore wise to even suggest that.

Well I beg to differ! Ha!

  1. Bovie
  2. Diablo
  3. Baal & Mephisto
  4. Tyrael & Imperius
  5. Lesser Evils

So who tied Tyrael up in the D2 cut scene?

Well it’s pretty much established that our characters are far stronger than the lords of hell as well as the angels, so I can’t disagree with your list.

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