Turn Natalya's Set back with spin-to-win

Don’t give them any ideas. :wink:

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Only two-handed ones, in one hand, as they ride around on Twilight Sparkle, laughing at the demon hunter as they do. Only then, and well, actually, also with Cosmic Wings equipped which are now Crusader-only… yeah!

I am not a fan of that set at all. I do understand I am in the minority but after seeing the rework of a rework for Natalya’s Vengeance set. I would gladly welcome it to be spin-2-win. Even completely reverting it back to RoV with a damage buff. I would say anything is better but seeing what they did to Armor of Akkhan and now Natalya’s Vengeance, you must be careful what you ask for!


How sad is it that you have to rewrite my quote

All we need is Caltrops, or any skill that is not Strafe, to proc Spike Trap, like the Strafe version did.

I don’t think we need another brain dead set…
there are so many speed t16 and para farming builds…didn’t need another especially on the DH.

I’m not sure how “good” or “fun” this new iteration of Nat’s will be, I think they should’ve also buff the other under utilized sets and make them all as competitive as possible. I would’ve loved to see Helltooth and Ulianna’s make a comeback

New Natalya just needs buff 3tiers can solve all the problem:
New Natalya 6P 10000% is not enough,it is clunky,and the operation is complex.Its performance on the non-season ladder is lower than expectation.so I propose buff 6p bounus:10000%→15000%.
Another problem is that I stand next to the elite and release the Caltrops, but I’m not sure whether the elite stands on the Caltrops, because the influence range of the Caltrops is only 12 yards. In order to help players easily release Caltrops to the elite, I suggest that the Natalya 2P bonus increase the effect range of Caltrops be doubled (24 yards).
But even if the elite didn’t stand on the Caltrops,the Spike Traps would only lose 100% of the damage. So the biggest problem is still that the Natalya 6P bounus is not enough. So, we need only one change is:6P 10000%→15000%.plz Hot Fixes before the S28 Season.

Again sample bias.

I alrdy explained this. I shouldnt need to explain this again.

Its not that i like statistics. I just call out ppl who jump conclusions based on false data.

The question is how many builds u need which works exactly the same? The idea is to have different builds so ppl can choose the one they like. Thus being able to reach out to more ppl. They buffed god so there is that choice for those who enjoy that playstyle alrdy.

Which do u believe is the better option?
Having 7 builds which all works the same or 7 different builds with their own identity and style? If u read the patchnotes they explained why they changed it.

Please bring back the ptr version of the nats set.
I play this game to have fun, Not to stream 24/7.
I know the streamers don’t want another spin build however as a casual I do.
I have read the comments on raxx and wudijo youtube channels channels, the majority of casuals want the PTR nats.
The streamers will not swallow their pride and ask you but I will.


And its pretty obvious most of the forum is For nats being strafe, I mean the against posts have like 4 likes and this one has almost 60 lol. GoD is speed Strafe, but a push Strafe would be nice like s27 had.

Unless they buff/fix this spikes nats, not many will even play it. So what was the point of the change to begin with when many of us would play BOTH nats and GoD this season?


Either fix god momentum or reintroduce the PTR nats.
Please just do whichever is easiest.
Let the players have some fun.


I’d rather see traps getting a rework as an addition to the Shadow Set and Rain of Vengeance gets a proper boost as part of the Nat set as it should be.


I imagine raxx and wudijo will be contacting blizzard with additional feedback.
I would like them to post their remarks and feedback on this matter here on the forum to prevent this becoming an echo chamber situation.
Regular players seem to have a very different idea of what they want in comparison to the professional players.
Regular players are 99.9999999% of the playing (and paying) community.
Surely that warrants some consideration.


What are you even talking about?
All builds in the game do the same thing… do damage and kill things. They all just do it in a slightly different way.
Much like the difference between GoD strafe and Natalya strafe. Slightly different.
S27 had multiple strafe builds. 3 off the top of my head were UE multishot strafe, Shadow Impale strafe, and GoD hungering arrow strafe.
So last season we had 3, now we have 1.
Clearly the strafe builds were the most popular, possibly because of the powers, but mostly because of ease of use and simplicity.
Nobody played Natalya’s last season, and nobody will now play it this season. What difference does it make if a set nobody uses can now run strafe?
Do you plan on using Natalya’s this season? Now, probably not right? So who cares if it’s strafe. Let the people who enjoy strafe have options. There are more ‘strafe players’ than ‘manual trappers’… I can guarantee you that.
There was hype for the PTR Natalya’s… now, it’s just some garbage set nobody is going to use… awesome.


I’ll say it here again because this thread is still going. I don’t understand why they insist on changing the identity of Natalya’s set.

Here’s a crazy thought: What if Natalya’s VENGEANCE set focused on both VENGEANCE and Rain of VENGEANCE

(2) Rain of Vengeance and Vengeance cooldowns are reduced by X when you hit an enemy 20 yards away from you. Enemies hit by Rain of Vengeance are slowed by XX%

(4) While both Rain of Vengeance and Vengeance are active you gain XX% damage reduction. Double the duration of Rain of Vengeance.

(6) While both Rain of Vengeance and Vengeance are active, all demon hunter skills deal XXXX% increased damage.

And while you’re at it make it so the Crashing Rain belt buffs the actual rain of vengeance skill damage and increases its duration (+3-4 seconds would be my guess).

IMHO Natalya’s set should remove the Dawn requirement and achieve permanent Vengeance AND Rain of Vengeance without loads of CDR on gear, while also making it a ranged build allowing DH to use WHATEVER SKILLS THEY WANT with the set instead of limiting it to a small niche few seem to enjoy.


The Devs tried to make it relevant but failed to have to top solo build. No big deal, they have 2 super power classes already. just dont play DH season 28 other than the GoD DH. This is the last season of D3 anyway, so no reason to worry about it.

The build is not working as intended. Pls Do something about it. I played Natalya’s on the PTR and it was fun to play, Now you nerfed it to the ground and I believe it will make me quit playing Diablo 3. Tired of palying Tal or Trag it is been like this for over 2 years.


There is no false data here. The ONLY data we have to work with is what is shown here, and in the streamers comments which is overwhelmingly FOR STRAFE. That’s not false, that’s a fact.

If you’re basing your judgements over information we DON’T have, then you are the bias. The forums on both platforms are the closest thing we have to poll. Based on the current polling, people prefer the PTR version.


Just saw in the launcher that there will be “downtime” on Friday early morning, maybe there is hope :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh that is tonight… for some reason my brain is still in Wednesday.

So what if its the only data? That doesnt make it true or unbiased. Im tired of explaining basic things to ppl like u. Go read about statistical bias. Im not the one who came up with the concept. Questioning data is something everyone should do before making a conclusion. Otherwise its nothing more than a random guess.

Im acknowledging the fact that we lack the information to make a conclusion. Thats not bias thats just something any person with a sense would do. I dont make a random guess and treat it as fact. Infact im simply questioning ppl who does that. Reliability and validity are basic principles which everyone needs to consider if they want their statements to be taken srsly.