Treasure Chests and Loot Tables

Concerning Treasure Chests and what they dispense, does it adjust as my level goes up or does it remain fixed at the point I entered said area? For example, I enter the Cow Level at lvl 1. By the time I’ve completed said level, I’m, roughly, lvl 32. If I don’t open any of the chests until reaching lvl 32, will the chests drop loot according to my new lvl, 32, or will their loot be based upon lvl 1, which is what I entered the area at?

I think it is based on the difficulty setting on which you open it, T16 is far superior to T1. I am not sure if your personal level has anything to do with it assuming you can handle the difficulty setting.


I think it levels with you.

If I jump into the Vault at lvl 1, go to Greed at lvl 7, she drops lvl 7 loot.


But Greed herself is a “new” area since you have to go through the door, so her level is generated then, not when you first enter the vault.

Well spotted.

So what is the answer?

The answer is:

"I did a stupid test because I like to do stupid test":

  • I open a T6 cow level at lvl 1 ;
  • Go to lvl 1 to 67 ;
  • Ask help to finish the last lvls (67>70) ;
  • Return to the cow level.


  • The drop is like T6
  • Items are at lvl 70

Treasure chests are just Yellow elites in a different form. It’s that simple, it’s in the code that way as well.

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Please note that’s not me posting.

Notice that the underlying account is…
…and it has just 106 posts. Their post history

My account…
…and has thousands of posts. My post history

Pretty sure directly impersonating another poster by deliberately creating an account with the exact same posting name and posting nonsense would be seen as trolling from the Forum Code of Conduct but let’s see.

Oh, there’s a surprise. Look what thread this account turns up in and who it’s defending…

I guess it was called something else at the time of the thread.
So, they’ve deliberately renamed their account to impersonate me.


Sorry for the “like” on your “false” account :confused:

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That’s the level You entered that rift, but it rolls items when You OPEN the chest.
htt ps:// 3197e6beaa3f7cb202061cba4412
That said, items roll 0-5lvls (lower) of the second You open the chest with exception of 58-60, when You get lvl 60 items dropped at lvl 58. That’s how it worked in 1.0 and it works the same.

Haha, imagine all of the ‘n e 1 want 2 cyb3r?’ public broadcasts made by this creepy doppelganger. Oh the humiliation.

oh nice, my post is restored. I was worried i may have offended someone or broke ToS, i’d definitely didn’t intend that, but it seems it was okay. Just trying to help.

  1. Renames an account to impersonate another poster.
  2. Taunts the impersonated poster.
  3. Surprised Pikachu face when mods get to this.