Toughness 0, Healing 0

Hallo, ich habe eine Frage, denn ich verstehe mein Statistik nicht :worried:
Ich Spiele schon länger Diablo 3 , vor allem mit Monk. Mein Paragon level ist momentan 8960. Str: 8317, Dex: 163 K, Int: 8077, Vit: 5322. Damage: 6766B, Toughness: 0, Healing :0. Mache ich etwas falsch? Wie kann das sein, dass diese Werte sich nicht bewegen? Ist das überhaupt ein Problem, oder nicht? Schaut allerdings seltsam aus. Ich bedanke mich für ein Rückantwort im Voraus! Lg


Translated by Google:

Hello, I have a question because I don’t understand my statistics :worried:
I’ve been playing Diablo 3 for a long time, especially with Monk. My Paragon level is currently 8960. Str: 8317, Dex: 163 K, Int: 8077, Vit: 5322. Damage: 6766B, Toughness: 0, Healing :0. Am I doing something wrong? How can it be that these values do not move? Is that even a problem, isn’t it? It looks strange though. Thank you in advance for your reply! LG

That is a long standing bug that has not been fixed… when your toughness exceeds 1 x 1012, it displays as 0.
I assume and hope that it is a display bug.

There has been reports here:

Best of luck in your games !


So there is nothing I can do about it? Am I not doing something wrong? For example, is my pushing not right or something?

You are not doing anything wrong – I suspect the developers never envisaged that someone would get a billion in toughness… so the hero sheet does not know how to properly display it. That’s what I think.

Perhaps you should move this topic to Bug Report so that the QA Team will see it; they normally don’t visit the Tech Support forum.

To move the topic, scroll up to the very top of this subject and click on the pencil to the right of the title, then change the category from Technical Support to Bug Report, then approve the change. That will move the entire topic to the Bug Report forum.


thank you very much for your reply :slightly_smiling_face:


As Boubou mentions, there’s nothing you’re doing wrong. The fault is with how some sections of the in-game character viewing code works (or rather doesn’t). For a hero with a very high toughness and recovery, if you view these directly in your character sheet, these may display correctly. However, if another player tried to view the details of your hero (e.g. by looking at them from a leaderboard clearance), or right-clicking someone’s name in the in-game chat and choosing “View Profile” from the menu, that uses slightly different code. That code uses a variable type that isn’t expecting such large numbers to be allocated to it, and it therefore overflows the variable, causing it to either display a zero, or the largest negative number the variable type can hold. I have this very same issue whenever someone inspects this hero in-game…

…in that her toughness / recovery will show to other players as massive negative numbers. However, as you’ll see on the Armoury site, her toughness is 83,489,103,872 and her recovery is 11,194,800,128 and that’s because she’s a level 1 hero, wearing level 70 gear (with level requirement removed using Cube recipe 4, to remove level requirements from the gear). The game clearly wasn’t expecting level 1 heroes to have that sort of gear on, so the toughness / recovery values are off the charts.

Rest assured, your hero’s toughness and recovery are working just fine in terms of staying alive, it’s just a display bug.


Thank you very much for the answer, I didn’t know anything about this, so I understand :hugs: