I think Wudijo did some testing yesterday. I don’t know the details but I just heard that something to do with Valla’s also applies to Rocket Storm. The issue is that the tests were not reproducible with consistency so it isn’t clear what the effect is.
The hypothesis atm is that the strafe itself piercing might trigger another projectile on hit under certain circumstances. Since rocket storm also fires projectiles, the theory is that it would have the same effect if the above is true.
The only time in which testers have been able to replicate an extra projectile at all was with using 2 wizards in pvp and slow time, and even then it wasn’t always the case.
With that said, it’s difficult to come to a conclusion because strafe itself is inconsistent. Look at his clip.
As you can see clearly, the fire rate changed on the fly, randomly. Sometimes you saw 4 shots a second, and other times, 5 without changing anything at all. Then if the target is moving, the shots are very random, albeit more consistent if you strafe weave cuz then you force it at a BP.
With this said, there are times where you’ll enter a rift and happen to get strafe to shoot faster on it’s own. Other times, you’ll get the slower version, meaning your results per rift will change based on something you can’t control or replicate. It’s a bug atm.
I know people are wanting a concrete conclusion, but atm it’s just not possible with all the variances of strafed generators itself. We’re still hard at it trying to figure it all out.
I always thought that Valla’s pierced projectiles have capabilities for proc efficiency too. May be that’s why?
Valla’s Bequest is breaking internal cooldown of GoD set 4P sometimes?
Vallas does one thing: it lets HA FPA drop from 10 to 6.
But all the nerfs to bazooka wiz, SB wd, crusaders… all were done based on high paragon players’ records. Why should an exception be made for dh?
There’s definetely an unintentional interaction between Valla and GoD set and that should be fixed. Not the set itself.
Lmao a 12,302 paragon with perfect gear and 750 caldesans on almost all items cleared 150 GR in 13 minutes, so freakin what?!
Big effin deal, can you do the same with paragon 2-4k paragon?! If not then why do you make a big deal of ONE OP GUY with 12,302 paragon and perfect gear?!
Lord have mercy…
Because the logic. Bazooka was nerfed because of its undocumented and unintentional mechanics. So was wd’s Spirit Barage -Phantasms rune.
I played wizard and Blizz nerfed it . Because some high paragon guys in Asia finished 147 (not even 150!). Then I played crusader and it was nerfed too because some high paragon guys did 150. Then I played wd… continue? It is ALWAYS some high paragon guys. They are the ones who make Blizz nerf or up sets / items.
When, why, how? Show.
After how many patches? If they nerf they need to do it in same order they did buffing. See you in 2 years.
In the case of Saders, 150 wasn’t the upper limit of the build, and it was done with much lower Paragon. Wizards and WDs had other problems, but I’ve never been an advocate for nerfs, and my stance hasn’t changed when it comes to Demon Hunters. It’s way too early to start foaming at the mouth for nerfs, particularly when the devs have not chimed in on whether the interaction between Valla and the GoD set is “unintentional.” Even if it is, that’s not necessarily grounds for nerfing a build.
For the first time in a long time, DHs have a powerful build that lets them play in meta groups and push solo clears on roughly equal footing with Barbs, Saders, and WDs. Remember, the myth of “balance” and evening out numbers doesn’t necessarily equate to fun for many players, and considering this is a 8 year-old friggin’ video game with a sequel in active, public development, and a dev team that juggles it and other Classic Games franchines, fun should come first.
Let DHs have their time to shine. Let them plow 150s for all I care.
Anyone calling for nerfs for DH is literally crapping on someone else’s idea of fun just to achieve some bunko notion of “balance.” If balance is indeed coming, the devs will see to it in future patches.
I’m still convinced that the people calling for nerfs (in most, if not all cases) are not players who run that class, and are simply trying to cut out the legs from under other players so they can feel superior. Happened at launch, happened every season since then, and will continue to happen for as long as people want to sabotage each other instead of getting better at the game. If a build really is broken, it’ll get fixed. We don’t need to artificially destroy them.
To that end…maybe we wouldn’t see so many nerfs if there weren’t as many players taking advantage of exploits and whatnot, botting, etc, etc, to push themselves to artificially high levels. What I’m seeing from Blizzard is just to hack apart the top-performing build every season, regardless of whether it’s functioning as intended. If we want to stop seeing our builds destroyed, maybe we don’t exploit and get the build flagged as overperforming.
Still amazes me that people are surprised when it happens. >_>
Yah, BW.
Bunch of digital Karens showing up to call the Fun Police.
“Hello? Yeah, someone is having fun with their new build. Can you please get it nerfed, now?”
Ya’ll need to take a seat, let DHs have fun, and worry about something that actually matters.
Ok I’m for it. But then Blizz should un-nerf wd and cruz because why let dh do the same things cruz and wd were punished for?
Only 10 wds were able to do 150 in Europe NS before the nerf now nobody can. NO matter how much paragon they have. Even 13k can’t do 150 solo. But on the other hand dh is now able to do that. Where 's the logic then behind nerfing wd?
Sorry Free if you don’t agree with the nerf band wagon narrative, you’re the enemy of the state and watch out, cause they might “cancel” you…
Same thing happens in video games and in D3 RoS. If someone is having too much fun with any build they play or achieve a goal that previously was impossible to be done SOLO like God forbid clearing a 150 GR solo (insert the Steve Carell No oh God Please No meme here) their build must be “nuked out of the orbit, just to be sure”…
I shouldn’t have to explain why the mind frame of “They did it to me so they should do it to everyone, because that’s fair” isn’t a good approach. It’s unproductive and antagonistic, and there’s no need for it.
I don’t agree with the nerfs to WDs and Saders. Never did. In fact, I don’t agree with nerfs except in the case of game-breaking bugs. But just because Saders and WDs got nerfed is not an argument as to why DHs should also be nerfed, especially when there’s so much up in the air.
If your favorite class was nerfed or is underperforming and you want that to change, advocate for that, and do so without advocating to nerf others.
Is it a nerf of fixing a bug? Really? If Blizzard WANTS to let dh do 150 solo they can do that in other way
It doesn’t matter. If the Valla interaction is unintended, it might be easier to leave it alone and let DHs be strong as a result. Some “bugs” and unintended mechanics end up as integral parts of a game. And some never get fixed. See, for example, the interaction between Strongarm bracers and the Dreadnought rune of Furious Charge, or how the devs’ attitudes have changed regarding zDPS classes from the launch of RoS to the present. Consider bunny hopping in the original Source engine, or strafe jumping in Quake. The list goes on and on.
But the point remains the same. Don’t advocate for nerfs.
There are conditions under which a change to a build is warranted. Consider the exploit involving Star Pact; players were using macros to automate the unintended damage boost from Deathwish, and it resulted in not only nerfing that build, but every channeling build to use Deathwish, Etched Sigil, or Mantle of Channeling. Now we get a 1s delay before the damage kicks in, which is plenty of time to be 1-shot killed when in heavy combat. It basically forces the player to debate between staying put (and keeping their damage output uninterrupted) and repositioning to avoid death, and that internal delay is all it takes to get swarmed.
One example of a justified nerf to combat a clear exploit, but the collateral damage resulting from it hurt far more players than just that build. They could have done it in a number of other ways, but chose to crap on all of us instead. And it’s all because too many players couldn’t play their games honestly.
why are people using Buriza-Do Kyanon if the pierces does nothing, why not use Yangs recurve instead fore 50% resource cost reduction, wouldnt that be much better? They are both 2 handers for the increased weapon dmg?