Toggle or change to nephalim glory?

I have played on console primarily and just recently played the PC version after not having played it since the auction house. It seemed fun and something was different but I could not get my finger on it, so I went back and played on my xbox series s and there it was. Nephalem globes/ glory. I found my self wanting to hunt these down and felt extremely lacking when I wasn’t under the effects to the point that I would get bored. So I thought to myself okay lets make a run while avoiding all neph globes and I found myself focusing more on the game, mechanics, items and just the overall fun of what a hack and slash game is. Now I know and read about the changes of neph glory and how they are different between console and pc but I would love (and maybe others) a toggle to be able to remove them from showing up in game or have it to where it grants exp or walk speed. Thanx in advance for your time.

That would mean on Console you would be doing far less GR clears using the same build as PC…at the moment with NG on Console active we clear similar GR’s using the same build but it is annoying having to collect NG.

So rather than toggle NG off or on I would prefer a toggle to give the NG buff in GR’s without having to collect the orbs thus meaning the mechanics on Console is the same as PC AND we clear similar GR’s as PC when using the same build.