Time & Money LOST - No Safegaurds from Blizzard

Why has the Diablo 3 hardcore player base not started demanding proper support from Blizzard for Diablo 3 & future Diablo’s. Blizzard decides to take no responsibility for their server health and server stability. Why would Blizzard “Not have a button to rebirth characters lost due to Blizzard’s lack of server health”. HC players spend too much time & money with Blizzard as players for this not to be a consideration on Blizzard’s end. HC players put LOTS of time into Diablo 3 as hardcore players. Disconnecting in hardcore due to shotty serverside control on Blizzard’s end resulting from error codes is not “hardcore” play. Dying while playing and losing to a mob is acceptable hardcore play & death. Dying because Blizzard’s server did not make the cut, is not a fair evaluation of what should be considered “hardcore” play. For Blizzard to scapegoat players on this is dramatically wearing on players more than they may agree. The communities are repeatedly talking about it. It’s time for Blizzard to develop the software to protect & track players from server side disconnects & error codes leading to Hardcore player deaths. Too many 100+ hour characters are being lost due to “disconnecting error codes”, Blizzard’s fault, server side, without repercussion or any responsibility or thought taken on Blizzard’s end. HC players take all the suffering for Blizzard’s lack of dedication to providing us a proper player environment. The representative that I discussed this with had a pathetic answer for this, stating that “the software for rebirth doesn’t exist FOR THESE SITUATIONS”. What does the community think? Should blizzard be held accountable for server flaws in HC modes, when your time & dedication to the game that is Diablo is at stake? Should HC player’s strike future Diablo games & demand protection from server flaws? Should Blizzard change their view of server responsibility to HC player’s? Currently they put no thoughts toward protecting Player time from Blizzard’s untimely lack of server stability & consistent error code dilemma. Let’s hear it!

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Blizzard has no way to control what happens in between your computer and their servers.
It’s easy to blame them.
Have you tried all of the troubleshooting in Tech Support?
You might be surprised at where the packet loss is actually occurring.


Okay, so why is therefore not a visible timed record available of the ERROR (start of packet loss) for all to see, and why are players not protected from it, no matter whose side the fault of error occurs on. This has nothing to do with being a hardcore player. This is a game play issue and needs to be properly addressed and corrected. Players deserve the opportunity to die a proper in-game death on their HC characters.

I am not that tech savvy, but if you go to the Technical Support Forum, they should be able to walk you through the diagnostics.
There are many jumps along the way between your computer and Blizzard.

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Ok, so you lost time. How did you lose money?

I am not sure they would be able to differentiate between a real glitch (which could be on the user’s side) and someone just trying to save their dying character by hitting the restart button. That is most likely the reason though.


Sigh. I had not thought about poor player potential & looking for an escape LOL. I guess I only thought about competent, high tier level players only that don’t get into those situations when I made this post. I NEVER die unless it’s due to a disconnect or error code. EVER. It’s quite the waste of time when you lose everything when you’re not able to play. It’s like being robbed. You may be right about them not being able to differentiate. If only Blizzard was smarter than we assumed.

This was constantly brought up in the past (2013 timeframe in my case) to no avail. Only one D3 community manager at the time (Grimiku) would venture into the hardcore forums since he periodically played the mode in his own time but there was never enough of a consolidated community effort to rally behind potential solutions.

This was just one of my attempts for example: Diablo 3 Forums

I then wrote up a more comprehensive post which I later “removed” my multi-part posting (on the old forums) from since there wasn’t any interest + there were some folks at the time that were only concerned with de-railing any conversation about the subject. I have the original here on my blog along with other links to posts on the old forums: https://murasama-1820.blogspot.com/2013/10/an-in-depth-look-at-disconnects-and.html

Since Blizzard will eventually take down the old forums, all traces of this will disappear (and they likely may not bother trying to implement measures in D4 or whatever else online-only version of the game that will be released in the future).

This is a really interesting and informative thread, will read again. 10/10

A long wall of text is almost never read more than one sentence.

Please learn to use space between thoughts and use punctuation throughout.


There are several things most HC players have grown accustomed to. Most are mentioned.
Just make sure you have GoE levelled and as much extra or doubled sets/gear in stash for the ‘acts of God’ that get no support.

I push GR 110+ and I hardly ever lose characters.


I reached over 2k paragon S17 and managed gr 110 solo w/ gr 121/122 complete 2m/3m & 4m.

I had no D/C 1016’s this S17.
OP has not even cleared 200 paragon while making alot of complaints.

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Dream on dude.

But seriously, put some serious time in to show us you are really into HC.

I am para 200 - 5 hours into a new season.

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probably the OP has a bad internet connection, bad internet provider, bad computer, or some combo of the above. It happens, usually people like that don’t last here.

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I’ve never had a game crash. Not a crash that was Blizzards fault anyway. Not saying it doesn’t happen, but if it happens to you so often that it’s an issue, it’s definitely on your end. Besides, it’s a danger you’ve got to accept going in. And as far as “Blizzard’s untimely lack of server stability & consistent error code dilemma”, as you worded it, you’re definitely grossly exaggerating things. I can’t even remember the last time I had an “Error Code” crash. An aside: It’s a video game. Get over it.

“Okay, so why is therefore not a visible timed record available of the ERROR (start of packet loss) for all to see, and why are players not protected from it, no matter whose side the fault of error occurs on. This has nothing to do with being a hardcore player. This is a game play issue and needs to be properly addressed and corrected. Players deserve the opportunity to die a proper in-game death on their HC characters.”

You’re asking for a considerable amount of resources to be dedicated toward something that rarely happens, and affects a small minority of the total playerbase. And listen to yourself. It’s a friggin’ video game,dude. You’re taking it way too seriously. Occasional crashes can happen. Either accept that as one of the risks of playing Hardcore, or move on.

Your attitude here is ridiculous. But okay, if you’re so great that you literally NEVER,EVER, die in Hardcore,except when you crash, then why bother playing Hardcore? Apparently there’s no risk that you will ever die while actually playing, so you might as well just play normal. No point in playing a mode that carries the risk of permadeath if you’re so good that you will NEVER EVER die.