Those good boys, not looking so good

idk, something is off with the wolves. i have recognized that when i first saw the gameplay but didnt really talk about it. they might have got the anatomy right but they are just moving in a way that it looks more like some kind of dog competition, rather than wild animals, hunting down prey. its the way, they walk, the heads up in the air, really not how they are usually seen and something is also strange with the front legs. i dont know. as i said, the anatomy might be right but something looks weird. maybe they are a bit to much pulled back. and with this wide chests…they look like showing off, not hunting. not scary at all. i know they are supposed to be good bois. but also fearsome and dangerous bois.

instead of looking like this

they more look like this


You’re right. Those wolves are trotting. You can see their gait change to more of a canter at approx 3m 09s of the first video, and then they… just jump on the brakes and trot up to the enemy? Incredibly odd.


they should also spread up a little more and sniff around instead of running into each other to a point where they just collide and overlap


1600 posts of complaining about everything you can come up with. I think it’s safe to say D4 isn’t for you.



I felt they had something wrong going on too.
Just couldn’t quite explain what.

But you point it perfectly, they are not posing as wolves, but as dogs.
And, as pointed out before too, trotting like good boys…

The overlapping is also an terrible issue

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D4 can turned out to be 100% D3 clone and he will still buy it and then complain more.

Also, I didn’t realized that he has 1600+ posts until you brought it up. Such dedication.

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This is because they don’t have a collision radius. It’s like they are there but only in spirit form, lol. They need to make them tangible. I’m guessing they did this so the “wolves” wouldn’t get in the way of anyone’s character but there should be something to make them more “life” like.

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exactly! YOU have some good deduction!
i prefer, posting my concerns early enough for them to recognize and consider changes :smiley:


It’s a video game, not a nature documentary…


and thats why they can look goofy and ridiculous?
i would rather make them even more fearsome than in real nature
but not like something, you rent for a birthday party, lol


Your point being?

That an AAA title from an AAA company shouldn’t reach for best animations?
That an AAA price tagged game shouldn’t pay close attention to details?
That the developer of game which can renew the faith of an entire community into a beloved franchise that gave birth to a whole game genre don’t need to bring their best game to the table?

Don’t be mediocre and don’t ask others to be…


You beat me to it. Come on this a video game not real life. But some people thing it real life. LOL

Some people just love to complain and especially zealots for another game seem to be very busy with this.

Its about the immersion.
Clearly. You have no idea.


You’re right. The wolves are of the best in show variety. Not ideal for a ‘dark’ game…


1600 post
27 paragon

Safe to assume which he does more of?


Does my time spent in D3, have anything to do with my opinion about the D4 game design? ROFL


To be fair, animation is still important that it look realistic in a video game.

Anybody who thinks it doesn’t matter should look at how badly Mass Effect: Andromeda got bashed for its bad facial animations. It’s not even remotely close to the biggest problem with that game, and yet that’s the thing that got everybody talking.

Granted Diablo 4 is in an early state, so I would hope it’s more of a case of the animation just needs a little clean up that will happen later. It’s already better than ME:A.

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a sack of rice fell over in China. But true the most important thing in D4 is how the Wolf walks :thinking:

I think, game designers of a million (billion?) dollar company should perfect every aspect of their game :confused:

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