This Friday Please

Three things to look at in that meeting first the nerf to bazoka wiz did not work
second lamentation belt should be 100% to rend as barb is underperforming now
third please leave the new sader set alone we need a new meta and it has never been in it


Sader has been in meta before.

Just let them know crusader set is NOT a critical issue, and to carry on.


Sader nerf incoming!!!


Thanks Nev! Really appreciate it :slight_smile:

Cheers Nev. Please advice them that it would be good for the game if they:

  • put a buff back on Lamentation for Rendā€¦ even 100% or 150% will be good
  • reverse the buff mechanics on AoV 2pcā€¦ i.e. have hitting with Heavenā€™s Fury buff FotH so the set becomes a FotH set again

Are they reconsidering after seeing us Barbs struggle at an even greater than 7 GR effect from this nerf!!!

Time will tell I guess.

IF they put it back it must be 200% again and leave the crusader alone even if its op as hell! Then we have alternatives. We can play speed meta with barbs and necros and play group 150 with crusader or wiz. The only thing crusader is really good at is solo push but for a more balanced group play let them have that.

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Thanks for the update Nev, hope lamentation gets a 100 added to it, fingers crossed.


who entitled you to speak for community set is good as it is ,if so need tweaking on numbers nothing else

This is a TERRIBLE excuse.

There is no amount of ā€œsurprise workā€ that would stop you from taking 1 minute to post the date of the S19 start.

Iā€™m sorry but the continual use of this excuse just doesnā€™t hold water.

The Start date for S19 should have been posted WEEKS ago. No excuse.


Hi Nevalistis,

I suspect that you already know this; however, as of my last check, there are already 3 crusader players who have soloed greater rift 147 with the new AoV build. Also, an AoV crusader with 3 zDPS supports cleared easily a GR 150 in a 4 player game. The developers may need to look into nerfing this build for the sake of game balance.

If you check out the crusader forum, it appears that many think that a justified nerf is incoming.

Edit: GR 150 has now been soloed in EU on AoV crusader.


Thanks Nev,

I know how much work it is for everyone dealing with a window that small between patch & season launch. Personally, Iā€™d rather have it done right & am glad to hear that you & the rest of the Blizz teams feel that way.

As much as Iā€™d love to have it out this week, Iā€™d rather have as many issues or bugs addressed prior to launch as possible to make for a better overall Season.

Thanks for all of your efforts on this Nev, especially after the convention & a nasty cold!


They cleard gr150. 20 blablablabla

Sure, and Iā€™m sure if she had had the 15 levels of required approval from all the powers that be, she would have.

Iā€™m putting ā€œstuff she canā€™t announce without all the required approvalsā€ under the latter half of this.


Nev, take some advice from me. Ignore these kind of posts and these kind of people. Theyā€™re selfish, ignorant, and arrogant. They only think of themselves and their instant gratification of everything.

Donā€™t take this post seriously, and donā€™t give these people too much of your time. Focus on whatā€™s more important than answering someone crying because they canā€™t figure out what to do besides video games.


That, or I blame Exilecon for the delay of S19.

Just 1 thing. At Blizzcon, the Monk 6 Pieces Set reads ā€œIncreases All damageā€¦ā€ , while in the Patch Notes it increases the 15k damage only to Sweeping Wind. Intended ?

No, please no apology. No sensible player is going to blame you for that insanely short window of time between PTR ending, Blizzcon and Season ending with DI and a D4 announcement with communication on D3.

You did the absolute best you could with the short time you were given and we appreciate everything you do! :heart:


One thing Nev. I know itā€™s probably out of reach for any hot fix (maybe not :grin:) but I wanted to link you to Ulmaguests videos on how Wrath of the Wastes is performing without the Lamentation buff which is not good especially for casual players.

Everybody says they cleared 147 and they cleared 150 4 man with 3 zdpsā€¦

But nobodyā€™s mentioning that those players have 7k plus Paragons!

Iā€™ll bet you it will look otherwise in s19!

And now I know youā€™re going to come back with (yeah probably but with the season buff it will be even easier to reach 140+ solo!) but I think most classes with the season buff are going to clear higher than before.

Let us for the sake of baby jesus have some fun and not always be restricted to the same lame meta season after season after season

My two cents!