Things That Are NOT Bugs

you know the gamw would be more enjoyable if you would take out the enemies ground effects ive heard tones of people complaining about them being annoying and i agree whole heartedly

Also Penguins.

Penguins are NOT bugs.

Hi Team,
we lost several unique items and app. 23 Mio Gold by a system Crash (on Nintendo Switch) recently :frowning_face: . The Game crashed, we had to restart it but the items and the gold still disappeared. Changing the character did not help. Seemingly this condition was saved as new Savegame, ist is not possible to reload the old savegame. Is there any Chance of fixing it?
Many thanks!

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You should create a new thread in the general discussion category or move your existing thread from the bug report category to the general discussion category.

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I understand that primals are rare. Totally cool with that. But I’m over five hundred rifts across three toons and I haven’t gotten a single drop. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a terrible drop rate. My friends are definitely getting them far more often than me as well.

The achievement “in for the kill” won’t be completed. I’ve tried different difficulties, just to see if that would fix it, but doesn’t fix it…

“Kill Azmodan at lvl 70 within 30 seconds on Torment XIII difficulty”

Please help :smiley:

You need to leave time to Azmodan to fully spawn… as mentioned here:

Have you tried in Torment 13, 14, 15 or 16 ? That is what is needed.


что с игрой происходит,уже 5 день не падает бормочущий камень с чилтары?зачем ставить такие вещи на прогресс игры


Hi there, I was playing recently and received a drop of an item on my Wizard for an item called ‘Nilfur’s Boots’ However, for some reason they are the old roll, pre-RoS. All my friends have these boots but the affix on them is meant to ‘Increase the Damage of Meteor to 600%’ while mine are for some reason on 100% Could you please advise and possibly change? Thank you,

The ones currently worn by your non-season wizard ??

I think you are confused… the Nilfur’s Boast worn by your wizard were changed in Patch 2.4.1 in April 2016 and then again in Patch 2.6.1 in October 2017.

Are you sure those boots weren’t looted before April 2016 and kept in your stash or on one of your heroes since then ?


Have a question.
I have full Patterns of Justice and 70(245).
How do I complete the Class Dungeon challenge if my set does not have dungeon?

Use the set you have to loot another set… See #21 in the opening post.

None of the new sets have dungeons… you have to loot one of the original sets and do that dungeon.

Best of luck in your games.

P.S. : this is the wrong place to ask for something like this… use the help forum instead.


Scroll up…

I’ve read the topic.
I have 245 paragon and only one piece from other dungeon set. So I asked here.

Greetings diablo team I want a help from you in my game it does not appear to be altar of rites in act 1 new tristam region I checked with the season character and non season character but the problem is not solved altar my does not appear in my game.


21) I Cannot find the set dungeon for any of the new sets for all of the classes, I have all 6 pieces equipped
There are NO Set Dungeons for any of the new Sets. If you wish to do the Journey or Conquests revolving sets, you MUST collect the 1 of original 4 sets for each class. The new 5th Set does not have a set dungeon and Blizz does not plan on adding them.
The sets that do NOT have set dungeons are:
Horde of the Ninety Savages
Aegis of Valor
Gears of Dreadlands
Patterns of Justice
Mundunugu’s Regalia
Typhon’s Veil
Masquerade of the Burning Carnival
-Credit Meteorblade

Are you kidding me?? So I can’t complete Slayer level unless I have an original set of (Monk) armor?

Nope !

Yep !

Details here:

Not a bug !


Oh well…season’s almost over anyway! Thanks.

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27) Cannot craft lvl 70 weapon for Season Journey due to activated “Anointed” Altar seal

Altar seal “Anointed” (“Items have no level requirement”) only makes all items usable by a hero of any level. It does not make all items level 1.

To craft level 70 items (be it for Season Journey, or for converting them to legendaries with the Cube), make sure that:

  • your artisans (blacksmith and jeweller) are rank 12
  • you selected “All” in the “Show” dropdown on the crafting window

Now just select a “Sovereign” item to craft (there are two exceptions - lvl 70 Phylactery is “Embalming Vessel”, and lvl70 Scythe is “Grandmaster Saber”), or, in other words - the topmost rare (yellow) item in respective category.

-Credit Perusoe