[Theory] Auction House in RoS

How to fix all negative sides of original AH in RoS:

  1. all drop-rates are remained the same as now (in RoS), no changes at all;
  2. all bounded to account items are remained bounded to it, no ways to transfer them between accounts excepting the existing in RoS way (during 1 hour in group) and putting up items for auction;
  3. any legendary item can be sold off only 1 time;
    a) reroll of item by Miriam will make the item untradable
    (just for simplicity, otherwise one need to make the additional functional to show the price of the next reroll of such item);
    b) legendary item can be placed on AH only on bidding on rates during one day, no instant redemption at all;
    (edition 2) to prevent the "sniping" of the item in the last second, the time of the item on AH will be automatically increased on additional 24 hours in the case if its price will be changed in the last 30 minutes (this time can be adjusted).
    c) resources can be traded without any limitations
    (including all new types of them that were added in RoS);
  4. for real money one can sell / buy only gold;
  5. maximum gold-price on AH = maximum value of int64 (9.2x1018);
    note: if the maximum gold-price on AH is hard-coded (= maximum value of int32 = 2x109) or one just do not want to deal with many zeros in prices, so - 3 additional items for AH (like on Steam) and the appropriate dropdown-menu to choose between the gold and one of these items
    small gold bar = 1 million of gold;
    medium gold bar = 1 million of small gold bars;
    big gold bar = 1 million of medium gold bars.
  6. additional limitations for the access to AH:
    seasons - only after completing the Season Journey;
    non-season - only after reaching Greater Rift level 70 Solo;
  7. selling of experience (for gold; as resource):
    a) non-season - pure trading of EXP if the current paragon of buyer is not less than 800 and not more than 3000;
    b) everywhere - trading of EXP of yellow cups between players.
Direct Profit of Blizzard:
  AH as one more addon at the price of necro-pack.


Q: “What are the negative sides of original AH and what points above will fix them?”
A: These ones:

  • low drop-rates - item 1 (excepting primals in RoS);
  • output items on Black Markets - items 2 and 5;
  • AH as emulator of Stock Exchange - items 3 and 3b;
  • saturation of AH - item 3;
  • inflation - seasons.

Q: “For what purpose do one need AH in RoS?”

  • It is possibility to exchange anything on anything (equivalent exchange);
  • it is possibility for anyone to buy anything for real money;
    legal possibility, instead of using bots;
  • it is possibility for anyone to sell anything for real money;
    legal possibility, instead of using non-legal sites.

Q: “What are about inflation and very big prices in gold?”
A: You need to understand one simple thing.
AH - is the way to exchange anything on anything (equivalent exchange) for millions players simultaneously (the alternative and the most optional way for trade-forums and 1-by-1 exchange) and the gold is just intermediate pool for this purpose. It is not SHOP, where you can buy anything for small amount of gold that you can farm from the ground during several hours. In another words: if you see something on AH, the price of this item must show the rarity of this item = time you need to spend for that to farm it = time you need to spend for that to farm the gold for it from the ground.
So, when you say something like this: “wow! what is huge unreal price of this item?!” - you just do not understand neither the meaning of AH nor the meaning of intermediate pool (gold) in it, you just want this item with no efforts in farm of it.
No problems at all when you got something in your farm and will try to exchange this on any other equivalent item (or set of items with the less rarity) - you will always obtain the correct price of your item and will buy anything you want.

What do we have now in RoS? The only way to obtain something - just to farm it. The top-primal on another class - it is just 15 souls, no more, you can’t exchange it on something useful for you. Top-players need resources that do not require any efforts - they just use bots. Potential donaters do no want to play - they use either bots or non-legal sites where another players provide for them all they want (without using bots). All these situations will be solved with the minimal efforts by the using the simple 7 points in this thread. Of course, it is not 100% solution of problem with bots - on replacement of these 2 types of users of bots we will obtain (with such theory) the third one: ones who will farm everything, will sell this on AH and then will convert gold to real money (part of which will be used to buy new copies of D3+RoS+Auction-addon after next ban of account). If we remove the possibility to buy / sell gold for real money, we will have exactly the same situation with bots as we have now (exactly, we will have all 3 types of them + additional motivation to bypass our limitations).

Additional moments (edition 1):
i) the way to fix problem with bots “once and for all”

ii) AH-addon is the OPTIONAL feature, so

iii) official position of Blizzard about AH

these things (items a and b) were removed in this theory due to items 1, 3, 3b and 6.

iv) problems of Blizzard with legality of trade for real money

and solution for this “problem” and one more

v) the sence of AH and reason for its returning


The only fix to AH: nuke the entire concept from orbit.

AH has no place in this franchise.


No thanks. Bots are still a problem. We don’t need to welcome the RMT and grey markets back with open arms.


I’m sorry, I don’t see the need for an AH in a Diablo game.


No, no, no, no and NO. Just no! Only ppl who would want this are Chinese gold farmers. NO!!!


^This. They kept it open until the very last second they were allowed to with these regulations incoming.

Give up on the AH already folks. It was closed for legal reasons.


Tell us how you truly feel. :+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1:

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What you don’t realize is that if you have the same drop rates you have now you would have character’s all decked out in well rolled primals that would be sold for pennies on the dollar with the same drop rates as they have now. That means that while at first the amount of the hardest to find gear would be very high but within less than one month the most hard to find would probably sell for a few million gold on the Gold AH. Also it increases the bot population, giving them something to sell.

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Stop. Auction House shouldn’t return to D3 anymore. Player to player trading can happen at some point far and beyond. AH buried with its bugs to never return anymore and whole system was a playground for shady interests to launder money, that caused loads of trouble to Blizzard than they intend to risk on. And I gotta repeat; forget about free trading. Anything you saw as “Account Bound” is no way be freely tradeable to anyone but the party you looted it with.


At this point, don’t expect the status quo to change. Diablo3 auction house (RMAH & GAH) was abused and was a customer service nightmare. Botting plus excessive flipping. Blizzard could of account bound upon item sale (zero flipping).

Government regulations were passed to restrict money laundering; Blizzard chose to kiss RMAH goodbye. Game gold is meaningless, except for Mystic stat rolling and empowering GRs. Bots, bots, bots. Yet still, some players offer in-game services at a cost.

On a side note, WoW still has auction house. With WoW, players can’t directly buy items using $$. First buy WoW tokens, second trade tokens for game currency, then third trade for whatever item you are looking for.


You mean real money AH, not gold AH. I guess people are mostly talking about gold AH - but with some basic knowledge in Economics and basic understanding of the game one can notice that AH is not feasible in the game.

Don’t understand why we come back to this subject so often. AH/RMAH was a thing many years ago and we got rid of it because it was cancerous. D2 was a masterpiece, trading was fun, the other trading forum has hundreds of posts/day, there are still tens of sites selling items etc etc. All has been said before, time and time again

That will never happen with D3. It’s over. It’s a seven year old game. Diablo “team” is one intern and the building’s cleaning lady - there is 0% chance that anything except for continuous power creep will ever happen to the game. I really hope that the classic team will prove me wrong though.

Your #1 fix - keeping the drop rate the same - negates the entire thing, as there would never be a reason to use the AH with such high drop rates.

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Theory … auction house in RoS
Really george
No. No. NO


We do know that the Classic team is handling D3. How big that team is, is unknown.

I didn’t even think about this at all. Good call and I agree with you on this point.

AH is pointless at this point drop hates are too high and nothing really worth selling other then primals.

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No, no, and no to AH.

The only people want AH are casuals that don’t play RoS.


Anyone that puts in 8 hrs a week or more knows how easy it is to gear up and gain paragon fast.


Filed in “nope” folder.

i never played a game, except world of tanks, where real money gave an improvement in-game.

And primals are items which I would make untradeable in any form of trading, AH included.