The Worst Thing About Legacy and Dreams of Nightmare is no Chicken

“of Nightmares” could be buffed that sets equal to 2 could be used

This let’s us use chicken and call of the ancients in productive ways

Buffs, buffs, and even more buffs. When will this madness stop. :sunglasses:


When everyone will faceroll 150 GR under 3 minutes solo… with Blackthorne set :sunglasses:


… and then double it!!



Even though the idea is nice - just take a look at 2PC Shadow set and what “Nightmare” buff that would be…


A nice compromise to avoid that might be another legendary gem very similar to Legacy of Dreams with the effect:

Still, Chantodo would be a big outlier for such a set-up.

I’m not against it, it’s just hard to expect we will get some luck with wishes like that…

Why not ask for 6-piece bonus while you’re at it?
Also just get creative if you want chicken build with LoN/D. You can easily use Boon gem or Rechel’s ring if you want the speed but such constant multiplier setups like LoN/D would require damage procs or hardest hitting skills to be utilized rather than a gimmick speedfarm build. If you wear LoN/D then you are geared towards pushing, no way around it.

could you imagine F/R in many LOD sets with this 2 piece or Chants.

No more so than Vyr’s currently. I #DidTheMath:

As other said (most with irony), it would make the game even more broken than already is.

But since we a talking about it, a kind of thing that they could add is a pair of set rings that gives something like:
“If you only have the first bonus effect of each set equipped, activate the second bonus effect of them.”
So you could have 3 sets equipped (with 2 pieces of each), and get the bonus effect as if you had 4 pieces of each set equipped.

I didn’t stop to think of what builds it would make, but since most of strong set bonuses are the 3rd (6 pieces) set bonus than it would be ok… I think

Maybe the bonuses could be toned down a bit and make it a set exclusive item (as long as you have “X” piece set bonus active every ancient item …), so that it’s somewhere around Endless walk or F & R sets. Say 100% damage buff and 50% mitigation for ancient items in every slot. This will open up set builds a bit, as it will open up the amulet spot. And with Squirt’s buff it will also contribute to the endless power creep.

It does add unconditional damge & mitigation, but the condition is that every piece of equipment needs to be ancient in order to reach max bonuses.

LoN/D setups don’t even work on specific triggers and are top notch right now. Any design change you try to do at this point would be a deterrent for diverse options as Set balance on terms of accessibility and performance would be disrupted.
As there’s a distinct playstyle difference between a constant multiplier and a skill-state trigger; melting both of them in a pot would only cause disturbance and will restrict players to narrow their options and create another jarring effect or will be so ineffective it will change nothing.

When you need extra jewelry, there are legendary ring pairs out there to use with LoD that surpass anything that you usually equip. If that’s not your jam, LoN will stand there to spare your third legendary gem slot for more utility. Either of those options have unwritten rules to be effective and not worthy of using gimmicks with.
I say leave them be, we have enough power creep as it is.

I think LoD should just allow LoN for that matter. I know chicken is fun, but if ancient build could have a suitable dmg base for higher gr’s, maybe we’d get a lot more fun, different builds. i’ve always wanted an effective frost wizard for example

Granting and/or buffing cold theme legendary powers would be a better way imo to having more diverse builds instead of just enabling LoN and LoD to synergize with one another, at least in the game’s current life. That goes for the other elemental damage types as well.

I say, you people only would realize more power creep would be a bad idea when you see bots soloing GR150 under 2 mins just by spamming their attacks without waiting a cycle or positioning and no one playing groups.

Doesn’t matter if LoN and LoD multipliers are additive or multiplicative to each other, the resulting multiplier will be bigger than 99% of what traditional Sets offer out there and funnel players on a single build. You may think this would create “diversity” but instead it will most likely create a huge server strain due to a giant leap in power caused by mass disoriented calculations. Monster health amount in GRs are near its edge at the moment, a power growth is unlikely in near future.

If you like cold based builds then ask for a specific buff, not a game breaking feature. Even then some cold based builds are doing fine on some classes, like Lance Necro and Impale DH; both are RGK builds. Let along that DMO FO Wiz is doing fine on tier charts of clearing performance. It is just pure trolling to me.

I have no idea why you people still nag this subject. I guess someone, I mean one person, deciphered this fanbase and their voracity for bigger numbers no matter the cost or limits are.