The Thrill conquest doesn't trigger

Hello, I’ve completed GR 45 solo on my Hardcore Demon Hunter, however after finishing the rift, “The Thrill” conquest doesn’t trigger.

Is this because I’m playing on HC? I’m not using any set items, or I must be overlooking something.

I tried including screenshots but apparantly I cannot include hyperlinks or images.

Profile for character (on Europe servers): en/profile/VivaLaVidaNL-1814/hero/59717072

imgur [dot] com/a/QVF4VBq
imgur [dot] com/a/RD4cF0A

Unlike achievements, conquests made on hardcore do not count on softcore. “The Thrill” is softcore conquest, “Super Human” is hardcore one.

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Ah ok, that explains it… Will be trying different conquests then. Thanks!

Just note that each conquest has a HC and SC version. Hit “Y” and seasons/conquests, and you’ll be able to see the list.

A good resource for each Season is

The [Conquests] button will give you a HC/SC list for the season.

The “Y” option mentioned above under Conquests will Date Stamp indicating when you complete each conquest. If there is no Date above the “10” adjacent to the Conquest name, then it has not been marked complete. On rare occasions, the status may take a minute or two to update due to server load.

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