The problem with Decay Golem

Despite the fact the skill doesn’t tell you what it REALLY does, the overall effect is so terrible, it feels like someone forgot to do a slight tweak to it to make it actually viable. Here’s what I mean:

the active ability consumes corpses, but it can only consume up to a maximum of 10 corpses, for a 300% damage increase. That’s actually pretty fine, here’s the underlying part that’s just “WHY?!”:

The active effect only lasts for 8…seconds. Even with Tasker and Theo and Enforcer, this isn’t even CLOSE to enough to make the golem even viable for usage, the damage it emits is even lower than Witch Doctor’s pet build, greatly so. It almost feels like the 8 second was supposed to be a stacking effect with the amount of corpse eaten, thus at 10, it would be a minute and 20 seconds, thus if you played your cards right, you could have it continuously on a rage-inducing buff.

Before you state “OP!” please remember that even with the stars align, with the right gear, all prime ancients, and somehow each and every damn roll was perfected to your desires, and with curses, and 2000+ Intelligence bonus from paragon leveling, your golem is only putting out 45 billion damage, which is meager compared to Grim Scythe builds or Corpse Lance. This tweak (as well as telling everyone specifically what the damn ability does) would not only make sense, it would make the golem viable and it wouldn’t have such a crappy, useless rune.