The Necromancer has builds to fit many different playstyles. With the right combination of skills and gear, you can transform your Priest of Rathma into a commander of the undead, a visceral melee battlemage, or a ranged attacker who keeps enemies at a distance with crippling curses. New players should turn on elective mode in the options menu to freely assign any skill to any hotkey.
I have organized the builds listed here into five broad categories (Blood, Corpse, Minion, Melee and Ranged Caster) along with brief explanations for each. If you want to play a support role in groups with your Necromancer, you’ll find those builds in the Corpse section.
Are you looking for popular Necromancer builds in 2.6.5? Rathma Singularity and zDPS support Necro are a powerful team combination. Corpse Lance builds excel in both speed runs and high GRs, and are frequently used as Rift Guardian killers in groups. Necromancers can also run Thorns builds with the Trag’Oul, Inarius, or Legacy of Nightmare sets.
► Ratrun Rathma Group DPS by Arkismall
► Necro Support by sVr90
► Pestilence Poison Lancer by Lord Fluffy
Blood builds focus on spending your own health to cast empowered skills. Many of these builds use the Trag’OuL’s Avatar set, which increases the damage of all Blood skills. Trying to cast a Blood skill with insufficient life won’t kill your Necromancer; the skill simply won’t activate. Necromancers also have many ways to quickly regenerate health, such as Devour @ Cannibalize and Siphon Blood.
► Blood Nova SpeedFarm by Lord Fluffy
► Curseless Blood Nova Trag’Oul by Vyntrox
► Trag’Oul Blood Lance (Solo) by Rhykker
► Trag’Oul Blood Lance (4-Man Group) by codax755
Most enemies that die near the Necromancer leave a corpse behind. Corpse builds consume these remains to tear monsters apart with Corpse Lance or Corpse Explosion. These flexible skills can be used with many different sets. Some Corpse Necromancers use Land of the Dead to deal massive damage in short bursts. Others prefer skills and items that provide a more consistent supply of corpses, like Flesh Golem and Moribund Gauntlets. Necromancers can also fulfill a pure support role in groups, providing corpses and curses to benefit their allies.
► CorpseMancer Speedfarm by Lord Fluffy
► Fun and Tanky Poison Build (Legacy of Nightmares) by Smaff
► Legacy of Nightmares BlightMancer SpeedFarm by Lord Fluffy
► Legacy of Nightmares Cold Corpse Explosion by Evil
► Pestilence + Sage’s Set for Death Breath Farming by Bagstone
► Pestilence Poison Lancer by Lord Fluffy
► Support Necro 3-Man by Lord Fluffy
► zNecro Support by sVr90
Minion builds swarm enemies with undead horrors the Necromancer summons and controls. Minions include Command Skeletons, Skeletal Mages, Command Golem, and monsters raised by Revive. The Enforcer legendary gem is a great choice for any of these builds, providing a substantial boost to both damage and survival for your precious pets. Minions are also supported by the Bones of Rathma set, the Jesseth scythe and shield, and a variety of other legendary items and skills.
► Blood for the Blood God Pet Build by Powerthirst
► Legacy of Nightmares Bloody Nayr’s by episode63
►Ratrun Rathma Group DPS by Arkismall
► Rathma Faceroll Summoner by Melancholy
► Rathma Frozen Bones by Fullbringer
► Rathma’s Requiem Singularity Mage Speed GR by Cratic
► Singularity Speed! by Lord Fluffy
► Rathma Push Tank by KevinTSmith
► Thorns Pets (Inarius) by Massaker
► Thorns Revive (Trag’Oul) by Angry
Melee Necromancers enter close quarters to fight with skills like Grim Scythe and Death Nova. Many of these builds use the Grace of Inarius set, which surrounds the Necromancer with a storm of bones and grants a large damage bonus against enemies caught in its radius. Melee players must also balance their damage with toughness and healing to survive amidst dense groups of monsters.
► Bone Storm Build by Daleme2. (Note: This build was created before the 2.6 hotfix that reduced Bone Storm’s proc rate. It can still be played, but the Mirinae gem will be less effective.)
► Death Is Blind (Legacy of Nightmares Death’s Bargain) by Hamiltonz
► Group Necromancer Rift Guardian Killer by sVr90
► Inarius Convention of Elements by KevinTSmith
► Inarius Bone Spear Shatter by xtapa
► Inarius Cursed Bones by Fullbringer
► Inarius Lifestorm Build by Magrim
► Inarius Speed Nova Necromancer by Leviathan
► Melee Poison Pimple Popper (Inarius) by ThatRoomba
► Poison Scythe by Lord Fluffy
► Spacebar Necromancer by Davlok
Ranged Casters unleash death from afar with projectiles like Bone Spirit and Bone Spear, the latter of which is supported by the Pestilence Master’s Shroud set. These builds are often more fragile than their melee counterparts, so stay mobile and use crowd-controlling abilities like Decrepify to keep monsters slowed and weakened.
► Blight Spear SpeedFarm by Lord Fluffy
► Cold Legacy of Nightmares for the Mog by Comandalore
► May the Bones Fly! (T13 Bone Spear) by Ktosiowiak
► One Shot Spear T13 Pestilence by Lord Fluffy
► Razor Teeth SpeedFarm by Lord Fluffy