Your correct, my wife only plays softcore.
well i bought 2 copys
lets try it again if she wanna play
I have a wife, god help her…
SOON! The gates of Hell will open!
I hope I get my name that I want!
My favorite memory was in Diablo 1, when i was a bow-character, hunting through the dungeon, and finding a MAGIC Bow… … I took my first shot down a long-----dark—hall… and it LIT UP from the FIRE ARROW that emerged! WOW! super exciting
HAHA sad I wasn’t a teen when it released now I am just an old gamer who loves D2.
Realist1//1 if anyone wants to get down with my lil brudda’s and I. We’ll be going all day!
Best thread ever! Lets here it for gezer gaming! I haven’t quite broken the 1/2 century mark, but getting close.
There just wasn’t/isn’t anything like D2 and the era it spawned from… and there never will be again! Thankfully, we have this remastered which will tickle that nostalgia. Have fun everyone!