The Kridershot/Windforce Effect

Hey, I’m easy to please. There’s a few builds I like to play, and I pretty much stick to those. When I can’t find the equipment I need to put them together, I either panic or get pissed off. And when it comes to putting together what I might consider “oddball” builds, those builds that aren’t familiar to me, I’ll go try it on a non-Hard-core, non-Seasonal account.

As I said earlier, I have a “fun” build using a Kridershot, and as I also might have mentioned, I have a real nice Ancient Kridershot, and an Ancient Augustine’s Panacea, and I do intend on using those, but looking at the leaderboards for solo Demon Hunter (“solo,” what a joke), I don’t really see very many Windforce and Kridershot bows up there. But there might be… Let’s have a quick review:

1000: UE/Crimson/Yang’s - GR90
900: N6M4/Slayer - GR92
800: UE/Yang’s - GR94
700: Shadow’s/KP - GR95
600: UE/Crimson/Yang’s - GR97
500: UE/Crimson/Yang’s - GR99
400: Shadow’s/Aughild’s/KP - GR100
300: Shadow’s/Aughild’s/KP - GR101
200: Shadow’s/Aughild’s/KP - GR104
100: UE/Crimson/Yang’s - GR107
1: LoD/Rapid Fire/Dawn - GR124*

So, I don’t see a lot of these guys using the Windforce or the Kridershot in even the lowbie leaderboard positions, so before you tell me to L2P, you might want to figure out which game it is you are talking about, because it isn’t this one. Obviously.

*Take into consideration that these guys, especially the one in the number 1 position here, are hardly solo players. At P2406, with rank 137/138 gems, this guy is obviously not a solo player. He developed his character in a four-man group, and then decided to come over and dominate the Solo leaderboard. Which is exactly why the Solo leaderboard is meaningless, and we need a new “Solo Only” leaderboard. But I digress; that’s a different argument.

Seriously, the post and L2P was a joke…Primal Cluckeye?

I wish Windforce was a viable bow, I actually have one that’s a PA.

Okay fine. Maybe I was a little harsh there. But the Cluckeye is a good weapon for the Scoundrel, as somebody noted I think. The chickens still fly out. Anyway, I am P663, still no Yang’s, but I did pick up an Ancient Natalya’s Slayer, so at least my N6M4 build is doing well, which I couldn’t play last Season, because I couldn’t find the damn ring before I finished Guardian. Right now I’m about 5 tasks away from Guardian for the 3rd time this Season, and I don’t recall having this problem on the other accounts.

So, no harm no foul, bygones be bygones, let the chips fall where they may, etc. etc.:grinning:

Incoming conspiracy thread about account-specific RNG in…
5… 4… 3… 2… 1…

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Only meme I’ve seen that really made me laugh. :grinning:

No kidding though, I deleted a female Demon Hunter I had since day 1, was the character I got Paragon 100 with in only 850 hours, and she had about 1200 hours on her, because I thought she had some kind of flag that wouldn’t let any Legendaries drop. I’ve learned better since. Wish I hadn’t deleted that one. She was on a normal account, so no matter the deaths, she would have lived forever!

But all the stuff I say about Blizzard and their theories and weighting…that’s all real.

Thanks for the chuckle! :rofl:


My recollection is that you have 7 accounts. Do I recall correctly?

I also have vague memories that you posted that you multibox. Is that correct?

If so, why don’t you multibox and give the first Yang drop to the account that lacks one?

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Apparently your memory isn’t as good as that of your namesake’s. No, I don’t have 7 accounts. And no, I never said that I multi-box.

I said I have 6 accounts. I have those accounts because even though you can go to a different realm (server) and totally start from scratch just as if you had a new account or just as if you are playing a Seasonal character, you don’t have any friends there. There’s no one to play with. And while I could join a clan or community, I’m not sure I would want to do that, and then simply level up a single character solo. That’s not what clans and communities are about.

So when I get the urge to “start over,” with a completely blank account, no paragon, nothing of anything else, I’ll just buy another account and do it. Another benefit is that I can enjoy the rewards of playing a Season Journey several times, while other players may be content to play it once and then go on to the nonseasonal side of their account, or other things, or scratch their heads and wonder just what to do.

As to multi-boxing, I’ve never tried it. But I had a friend who tried it, and so I studied it, I read blogs and forums about it, and I talked to my friend who actually played it.

I think multi-boxing has completely fallen out of vogue for one main reason; synchronization. It’s almost impossible in this game to get 4 characters to go to the same place at the same time across the same path at the same speed without running around obstacles or getting stuck on them. When that happens, it requires re-synchronizing those characters by running them all into a wall. It seems that the re-synchronizing activities, having to be performed quite often, actually negate any benefit that playing all 4 of the characters at once might hold.

That’s not to say that I don’t do sort of the same thing. On occasion I will have 4 copies of the game loaded up, and then invite all of the characters to one game. I will use the strongest of those characters to do whatever activity is required, and then give all the gear to the one that needs it. But I suspect that even this isn’t as profitable as playing each of these characters alone. Even though I play the characters in a parallel manner, rather than serial, I tend to think that each of the characters would garner more loot if they were actively solo, then passively multiplayer.

But I do whatever seems fun for me at the time, until it seems like it’s not fun. Right now I’m just repeating the Season Journey up to Guardian. 3 down, 3 to go.

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It was you that got me into MB in the first place as I recall Stone. I’m pretty sure you used to use it. lol

This is completely true. It is the reason I stopped using it after a year. (you had to pay a subscription for the MB software).

It was ultimately slower than simply running two or more accounts on the same PC at the same time and flipping between the windows.

Bottom line, running multiple game sessions at once is cool, but in many ways time consuming to the point where you would be better off solo or in a group.

Game on.


No, but I think I did encourage you to try it. It’s been a long time ago. I even forgot about the subscription fee…I think MB is totally dead.

So, I’m guessing you haven’t tried using Kanai’s cube to Upgrade Rare? There are only 9 bows at level 70 so you only need [6530 =] 1950 of each mat and [2530 =] 750 Death’s Breaths to make and upgrade 30 rare bows from the blacksmith. I mean, I upgraded 60 1h crossbows this morning and got three ancient [trash] Dawns. Surely you’ll get a Yang’s that way?!

Edit: I’ve used d3planner dot com/game/62433/kadala to source my information. It’s a rather handy tool. I can’t include URLs at this point in time.

6 or 7 is still more than most.

Does this count as multi-boxing?

Why did you not do this to get your 1 account a Yang’s recurve? I think by playing so many accounts that it should be entirely expected that 1 account may have some exceptionally good luck while another bad luck.


No, no, I’m alive and well.

“…despite my using all methods to get it.”

Actually, I went the entire Season Journey to Guardian with the Ancient Windforce. Not a terrible bow if not a little slow on the attack speed, and lacking the MS damage bonus. But I managed.

No, as I said, multiboxing runs the account characters in parallel - all at the same time - while you have to play serially - leapfrog, if you will - simply having 3 other of your own characters in the game.

Because that would have spoiled the spirit of the Season Journey. I’d much rather play purely and gripe about it, than take a shortcut.

Don’t get me wrong; under other circumstances, I will powerlevel a character up to P500 before I ever touch the controls on it.

LOL…very funny :smiley:

The problem with this type of thread is that completing the seasonal journey with 6 accounts (or whatever you did), you are likely to have instances of bad luck due to RNG. I am not sure why you feel the need to gripe when this should occur at some rate.