I’m sorry I still find the originals better. Every darkened image posted in this thread takes away some of the readability of the image/area. People may not like the color, or the greenish hue of the air in the pictures in this post, but I think it adds atmosphere to the tombs areas. Like an ethereal/undead mist/aura is around.
I see this all the time with people using reshade and it takes away from the original intent and feel. Not exactly the same but I see people complain about scan-lines on pixelated games. I can’t find the pictures, but it was of FF6. It showed the importance of them and how bad the game looks on LCDs without. The scan-lines seemingly created depth, shadows, and texture to the pixels that without makes the game look bad.
But this what they intended. I have no issues with it not being preferred, but I have yet to see anyone improve it by darkening it.
That is fine is that is your preference.
I was just trying to illustrate and explain to Saidosha (to whom that whole response comment was directed) what this - as he or she called it - “nebulous concept of darkness” is that people are talking about.
Yeah, it boils down to personal preferences.
I for example do not really like D4’s combination of brightness and overly de-saturated colors, while at least for the moment, most of the Diablo community prefers that.
My personal preference for D4 would be to slightly reduce the brightness and slightly increase the saturation of the colors, like in these images:
Edited version at the top (20% reduced brightness, 20% increased saturation of colors), original at the bottom:
^^ this last one here has 50% reduced brightness
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Yes, it more look like Blizz-quality-color-sheme we all love.
But I think 8-12% need, not 20%
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I am glad you like the edited images.
I also think that these would look more like what we are used to from D2.
But do you mean 8-12% more color saturation or 8-12% reduced brightness? Or both?
And remember ony the last image has its brightness reduced by 50%, while the others only have 20% reduced brightness.
I mean first 2 images need 8-12% instead 20% reduce.