Thats because current season has been made that way only to force people to go back to D4’s season 2.
Don’t ascribe to malice what can be plainly explained by incompetence.
And how is that going to be any different going forward in future seasons? Diablo 4 has micro-transactions and an expansion on the way. Blizzard will always want players to move over from Diablo 3 to Diablo 4 because that’s where all the money can be made.
Let see here you want them to tell you about when season 30 start date??? They can’t even get this right!!!
This is on the Battlenet Desktop Interface:
Cut down the cultists in the Darkening of Tristram Limited-Time Event from Dec. 31 to Jan. 31. If you going to put something up at lease put the right Dates!!! Jan. 3 to Jan. 31.
It says:
“The cultists will appear on December 31 at 4 p.m. PST, and the portal opens January 3”