Templar Follower

Are they able to take advantage of set bonuses?

No. Sets don’t work on Followers, same goes for most legendary gems as well. If you don’t wanna believe anyone’s word, a simple google search will give you the same answer.


Didnt know so i asked in games forums. No reason for me not to believe the reply.


Am I missing something here? LothaR just asked a question. I thought that’s what the forums were designed to do.


There was a guy a few weeks ago who asked a very similar question and then refused to believe everyone when they answered him; demanding proof. I assume naksiloth was referring to that incident.


This one.

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Certain legendary items such as Thunderfury, Ess of Johan, and Wyrdward work on followers. However, other legendary items such as Puzzle Ring and Haunt of Vaxo will not work on them.

Sets and legendary gems do not work on followers. Only briefly have gems worked on them during a PTR a long time ago. I wanna say sometime in 2014 when Greater Rifts came about, but I may very well be wrong.