Templar follower stops moving

EDIT: Bug has been narrowed down to consistently happen with Templar's cheat death - others below found that connection and I've reproduced the bug quite a few times by intentionally dying since then.

Templar stands there doing nothing at some point, won’t follow or engage mobs. Link to short video below if it works on these forums. Video shows follower gear and my own gear in case that helps. Also have the whole greater rift run but video would be longer.



Same problem here, this occurs in some maps. Ain´t see a pattern about those maps.

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Just a quick update: After the Mar 4 PTR release, it happened again in another GR, different tileset, roughly the same build and gear as before.

(This is hardcore seasonal wizard + templar)

Same issue. Templar with DH. Doesn’t move in town, either.

He seems to freeze after the death cheat, like he didn’t know he just saved my life. No one said he was the brightest follower. I can go back to town, hire one of the other mercs and Mr. Templar comes back lively. No good in Grift, but I’m just doing bounties/riff right now.

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Some update too, as a Barbarian, this dos not occurs, Monk and Wizzard does.

Can confirm, playing with Wiz and Templar got stuck once, another time he floated around a Rift Guartian in circles without attacking or casting any spell.

playing with demon hunter and follower templar, when received the guardian from templar, the templar stop moving.
If i change the follower, and then change again to templar, he back to normal.

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Niice going guys. I’ve been able to reproduce the bug by just intentionally dying. When the Guardian cheat death procs, the bug’s been happening pretty consistently.

Let’s hope they can fix it now that it’s been narrowed down.


New update, with barbarian too, the follower stay at the door of the level. Static.