Tech Alpha Feedback

I didn’t get enough time to play fully play this week because of toddlers and wife aggro but I did manage to play most of the game with a barbie.

Good Stuff first:
-Graphics are great. Can’t wait to see the rest of the game!

-Gameplay was smoother than expected. I felt like my barb connected with his hits and it felt good chopping at mobs.

Stuff that could be improved:

-There were some loading slow downs when entering new areas. This could be a problem for Hardcore.

-Please give us a hotbar/controller ui for Mouse and Keyboard.

Feature Requests:

I love the art direction, however I feel it might be more immersive to add changes to dungeons/zones that share a tile set. Do not change the tiles, but instead recolor them enough to give them their own unique look. IE Halls of the Dead should be a different color of sandstone with its own artwork when compared to Tal Rasha’s Tomb. Different caves could also have different rock color such as Clay, Granite and Basalt.