Take a look on IRON SKIN! It needs to be revamped partially

Iron Skin active duration time is extremely small by itself. Even if we have tonns of CDR on our gear this is not enough to use it more than 50% of the time in the many of builds, especially in LoD and LoN. And this is cause angry instead of fun!

I propose increase it from 4sec to 8sec as a basic parameter.

…so rune ‘Steel Skin’ should take something about more toughness instead. As example: you get 35% physical damage reduction while skill is active and 85% while skill is not active.

Also here is still few unused runes wich are good candidates for revamp, like Explosive Skin and Charged Up.

My proposal for Explosive Skin is: all enemies in 15 yard radius takes 1400% damage of your thorns every second.
Why? We need something simple and effective for fast bounties to be compete with DX and Necro. This fix will not get you any overbuff or extra power in GRs.

And for Charged Up: all enemies in 25 yard radius can be stunned for 2 seconds with 20% chance.
Why? If you want to take benefit from Ancient Parthan Defenders and you aren’t use any form of thorn build - this fix can help you.

If they did what they did with ignore pain, it would be fine. Also 1,400% and double duration? If you haven’t noticed, the NS leader is a thorns build. You’d effectively put a 4.5x multiplier on their damage. Any crusader with a respectable amount of thorns could hit 150 with that.

I dont really think that this will ever happen. This is “too much job” for their budget, it requires adding a new legendary into the game, design it, testing it. Nah.
My propose is about make the skill itself better, without binding with any kind of legendaries.
But if they will decided (1 from million chance) to go that way like Ignore Pain belt - of cource 1400% will be too much.
Moreover, just launhing new item wich gives acces to all runes of Iron Skin is enough.
I think, only changing basic duration of the skill is the simplest way they can do.