Suggestion for Bazooka/StarPact "fix/change"

Considering Deathwish and Etched Sigil are still working with bazooka, why not change the way meteor works. Of course this will be complicated and take a lot of work but…apparently that’s what is needed unless we just trash Deathwish and ES.

My suggestion is to make METEOR drop in “x” seconds on a random part of the screen – by random I mean within the frame of the wizard casting it. A visual of where the Meteor will land will appear on the ground when it’s used.

Change Deathwish and Etched Sigil so the buff only affects mobs within “x” yards.

This will allow Deathwish and Etched Sigil, as well as ground stomp “pixel pulling”, to be used.

No. There are much better ways to fix this.

So you wanna kill all ranged builds for wizard too?

Also when you mean random part of the screen, are you joking???
Look at death blossom arcane torrent. Do you know how many successful builds ever used that skill? None. Because its random.
In a sanctuary of rng do you really want randomness to dictate what you kill and when? Just look at manald heal and how frustrating it can be trying to guess when you are gonna deal some damage.

The change I’d like to see is to archon itself. Not an easy fix and would need changing swami and fazula, but i would actually like to see archon reversed to when stacks only give you uptime extension and archon power buffed to compensate for losing snowball effect.
Saying that I’d prefer seeing bazooka untouched since it offers quite a unique play style and is rather easy on latency compared to some other builds. And just have more builds made viable.
If bazooka is just taken away we are back in dark ages. I would feel really bad if i suddenly lost so much power and not even gotten extra exp to compensate for it.

Just add a buff to vyr’s 6 piece effect that’ll boost the damage of the archon abilities.