Streamer banned for botting, already 3.5k paragon

Plenty of games out there where I quite enjoy the grinding, like what would be the reason to play a griding game if you don’t like it in the first place?

And so the turn begins as the cycle repeats itself.

Brace yourselves, they whiny “I’m quitting forever” posts are coming.


I literally quit quitting


What more than ban the botting account could Blizzard do? They can’t IP-ban because people don’t have fixed IP, people use VPN, and so on.

this is great, ty

Yeah idk. I think there’s a real underlying issue with how much power you get from botting in terms of paragon, and it’ll never be fixed without a rework to the paragon system (which is HIGHHHHHHLY unlikely to ever happen).

D2 was a good example. yeah botting got you sick items, but if you just play enough you can get them anyway and once you’re toon is setup you’re just done. Bots just get there quicker. In D3 however, it’s an endless scaling system so you never, literally never, can catch-up to cheating.

It’s just an unfortunate truth we’ve learned to live with. It’s also a big demoralizing factor that makes people lose interest in pushing, and thus the game, rather quickly.

That is literally impossible. Or, once you start a meal do you continue to eat until you die? Literally?


I reported someone who was and is near the top of the leaderboard for botting. In one season specifically, they completed 53k+ bounties.

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What was the outcome? Were the banned or were you just witch-hunting?

I tend to eat until the meal is finished. That’s not quitting, that’s being done.

Witch hunting?

Considering during that season that player completed a few hundred GRs, do you think a human would run more than 53,000 bounties in a single season?

You didn’t answer my question. What was the outcome? Was he banned?

What I think a human would/could do is irrelevant. I’ve seen people who have done an absurd legit number of GRs that would equate to playing 8+ hours a day every single day and to me, that’s way beyond “normal”. The most bounties I’ve done in a single day was well over 100 and I could have easily done a lot more but didn’t feel like it.

Your question was answered before you even asked. Please reread the post that you responded to.

Imagine doing 500+ bounties for each and every day over 100 days in a season.

Occam’s razor provides an explanation about what occurred.

Still didn’t answer my question. What was the outcome? Was he banned?

Can that possibly be done? How long does 500 bounties take?

Your evasions are making your comment sound a lot like witch-hunting.

Your question was answered before you asked.

Please read the post you originally replied to. For your convenience, I have quoted the relevant part below.

Fourth time… still didn’t answer my question. What was the outcome? Was he banned?

The post you quoted only states that you reported them. It does not state that anything was done about it. I can report people all day long, that doesn’t mean anything was done about it.

If someone “is” on the leaderboard that means that they were not banned for botting since “is” is present tense.

Your question was answered already.

You said you reported someone who is on the leaderboards. If I report someone on the leaderboards right now and their name is still there a few minutes later, does that mean nothing was done? Or does that mean the report hasn’t been investigated yet? You’re giving only partial details and evading the outcome.

Fifth time, still didn’t answer my question.

Evasions are not your strong suit.

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They were not banned as I said repeatedly. There are still on the leaderboard. If an account is banned they would not be on the s27 leaderboard currently.

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Quote the post where you said “they were not banned”. I’ll wait. Oh, and please don’t go back, edit an old post to say “they weren’t banned” and quote it. I know you wanted to.

How long did you wait after you submitted the report? Did you click “report” and their name didn’t instantly disappear, so you made an assumption?

He already said in one season did 53k bounties, implies that was another season as the current, if that person was high on the leaderboard and is high on the leaderboard that clarifies that is different seasons, thus said person was not banned.

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