I don’t think you will honestly. There are games that exist now (Destiny for example) that are always online and character data is stored on the server side to prevent item hacking, etc. I fully expect this to be a thing for D4.
TBH although it’s a bit late to say it think sometimes it’s important to state an opinion on WHY i.e. reasons behind people “barking” here & there
It’s a rather often case of “bark first think why you did it later” in practice, which isn’t necessarily the problem, the problem is when people do DO THE barking (no matter the reason, and even no matter whether justified or not) and then just stop there, stop at that “phase” of having a nice “borsch” of solvable and unsolvable issues intertwined together
IN ORDER to have a meaningful discussion sometimes (OFTEN) the first step is separation, i.e. SEPARATE what matters from what doesn’t have highest priority… As in this particular case, MY point of view (not trying to participate in a flame war any what so ever) is THAT concern I brought up
- IMPORTANT = make sure HC characters don’t just die to DC
- NOT AS important = make campaign/story-progression offline (i.e. if you don’t play multiplayer then play offline mode), yes it’s a bonus but games get patched/expanded these days, it’s also a potential security risk/concern
THAT is my concern, if there’s a mechanic that prevents HC characters to “go in and suicide on their own” due to DC then wouldn’t be bothered about the “ever so great” flame war you talked about lol
PERHAPS a new thread is a good place to actually CONSCISE and CONDENSE the topic into a useful message and separate the ratio from the flame war/s
Finally? We’ve been saying it. They just won’t listen.
These people who are creating topics to fake Offline discussions just want visibility, if nobody cares they just walk away.
I think, if possible, if you get DCd the game at that point should cease and you should restart at the last auto saved state. Of course this has the potential to be exploited by HC players who get in over their head or make a mistake and DC to save themselves, but I agree dying due to an uncontrollable DC would suck.
Funny, my daughter has heard no alot. We are considered bad parents by the other parents because she cannot do everything all the time everytime.
Agreed. That would be really nice.
A mechanism that detected disconnects or lag above maybe 1000ms, should autopause and save the game, so when you reconnect, you start at the exact same spot (+time it took to detect the DC of course). Thus not exploitable either.
If you believe Blizzard, the answer is no
Maybe. My wife doesn’t even want me to share any news until a release date is given since the wait is too long.
They have already done things in D3 they have said they “will not do” so why is there any harm in people asking for it? I would assume with enough flak, they would make a change if they felt the community was so aversly against a decision, see D4 itemization and subsequent updates!
I think it is dumb as I have previously stated, but hey, if that is what they want to use their posts on, so be it imo.
Not like there is a post limit
Offline comes pretty far down on my list of important D4 stuff, but not like only one thing can be discussed.
Although I agree that offline mode will never be supported no matter how people ask for it, I don’t agree with your rationale.
They were not only asking for suggestions on what they haven’t decided yet. They asked for feedback, which of course can be on the things they have decided.
i see these quotes as enough feedback to close the whole topic.
Amen OP.
Finally someone that underatands
Threads like these are getting as bad as the ones for asking for off line. Not sure where you get off telling someone not to ask for something. Like what you would say would hold any more weight then those asking for an off line version. So let them ask. Most will have forgotten about the game long before it comes out. Hell by the time it lands most here wont even be playing games anymore lol.
They pretty much have to make it so that being D/C’d saves your character in the state it was in when the server figured out you D/C’d.
With the auto save thing you mention, you’d be able to dupe items by trading them and then D/Cing yourself.
Dying to an uncontrollable D/C sucks, but that’s just one of the things you have to put up with if they’re insistent on pushing always online. There’s no real way around it that wont cause other problems.
Because the community asking for, hell, DEMANDING something that the developers very clearly said no to, is the equivalent to closing your ears and screaming to get your way.
I’m all for asking for something, but they already gave their answer, and the community is STILL asking, and not taking no for an answer.
It’s time to move on.
Just asking really. Politely. Persistently.
But they’ve already given their answer, and yet it’s continuing to be asked.
To be fair they also “gave their answer” and said no to Classic WoW servers years ago, but we know how that turned out now.
Blizzard has shown themselves a company that will reconsider if enough people ask for it, even if they said no.
There’s no real harm in asking, even persistently. People are free to ignore threads they don’t like.