Statement by former CM Nevalistis/Brandy/Dayntee

Eeek! Even the thought of having my head all hot and itchy makes me want to take a shower and scrub my scalp.

As for DTMAce, we are actually friends and chat from time to time. If he has a real issue with anything he will message me.


Cool and that’s fine… has he messaged you then?

I guess my tin foil hat is heating up now

Not today. We do have a tentative plan to chat and catch up though. I was not really free to talk when he messaged me the other day. I was SUPER cranky and someone was sawing down a tree at 8am on a Sat. A coffeeless cranky Cheetah is a bad thing. I just wanted to smash some demons in game for a bit.


I hope you turned your speakers ALL THE WAY UP over the noise.

Yh i get it! xD

Maybe not. But they should go away. Which is what people are, and should be, fighting for. No matter how hopeless it might be.
Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.

That doesn’t make it better though.

If it is a general culture in all corporations, then moving on doesn’t exactly solve anything.

The blue haired people are awesome!

I hope you sent my hissing boo to that chainsaw. Me no likey those either, with or without coffee.

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I’m not to that extreme, but then listening to CNN or MSNBC sound equally as crazy and repetitive. I just avoid the news channels in general, they are all idiots.

Yep. Do not engage a cranky Cheetah… Especially before coffee. lol


I understand what you’re saying, and I feel as though you’re commenting in good faith. So, with all due respect, I want to respond by saying that your points are a simplification of the real issue. Thing is, here in the United States, straight while male privilege and the cultural, political, and economic power afforded to such men has for too long gone unchecked. And what you’re seeing now is a challenge to that, and to older, traditional systems of organization. Being straight, white, and male aren’t crimes–they’re not even inherently bad. But when such identities are deployed in defense of dominant racist, sexist, and classist power structures, well, they become a problem.

I don’t think anyone is advocating for that, not even me–unless those people with different ways of thinking work in politics and try to push through legislation that decides whether I’m a valid human being or not. Someone trying to push a prayer in school? Or to make religious scripture law? Or to tell me I can’t get an abortion? What about legislation that determines whether or not I’m able to marry, or able to adopt a child, or benefit from a spouse or partner’s health insurance, or serve in the military, or be considered a valid, equal human being?

Again, this isn’t a bipartisan issue. This is coming directly from the right wing of the political spectrum, and it’s certainly not new.

Other than the folks pushing the 1776 report, or the folk who get offended when a Confederate monument comes crashing down, or Holocaust deniers, or folk who deny global warming is a serious problem cause by human action, who is trying to “rewrite” history?

This is simply not true.

There are many–many–reputable, credible sources of news media and journalism.


I’m talking about main stream news media.

In general all of them are spouting the same rhetoric every day. I can literally turn on most of them and already know before listening what they will be talking about. You have a left mind set and a right mind set. They’re both nuts.

You then have smaller outlets with better sensibilities and worth listening to, and occasionally the larger ones have a story here and there that are fine, but I’m tired of all the preaching from both sides. Many use the same wording even, like they are all singing the same song on purpose.

So don’t tell me it doesn’t happen, seen it myself first hand.

Point is, that I like many of us don’t trust the media. Don’t trust social media. Can’t really trust anyone to be truly honest and have our best interests at the heart of their programming. If people are thinking they do, then they are already lost.

It is far better for me to hear the different variations of a story because somewhere in the middle is the truth, and that’s something most outlets don’t care about any more. They want sensational headlines, attention grabbing word play and short term emotional motivation.

They also seek to distract, misdirect, downplay or ignore one news point to ramp up another or even whip people into a frenzy.

This is all a game to them, and we are the pawns. Don’t be a pawn. Don’t accept things at face value because that value is worthless.

And no, I’m not wearing tin foil. I don’t subscribe to theories, I just make observations and take in multiple points of view. Its not hard to read between the lines, and these days their not even trying hard to hide it.


Soap box done. Take it as you will, its still just my opinion, and I have no problem with yours either.

Game on.


You have to remember that the loss of privilege, to the person who is losing it, feels the same as oppression.

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Yep. This is why I watch multiple “news” stations when something big happens. This way I can filter out all the agenda crap and get a better idea what is going on. Remember, the job of the “news” isn’t to report the news. Their job is to sell ad slots. As long as people want to be fed the agendas they are pushing, the more they are going to try to fed it. Most viewers do not want to see a fireman rescuing a cat out of a tree. They want to see a train wreck, then they want a panel to discuss for the next hour how “the other side” caused the train wreck.

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Exactly this. Sell ad slots. Yes, the owners may have an agenda and ties, but it all hinges on selling ad slots. The bigger the train wreck they more clicks. That is why murder hornets were a thing.


“There is a rare species of Asian hornet that has accidentally been introduced to this tiny area. If you live there please be on the lookout and call DNR.”


If anything, this mindset is what is most wrong with news media. Some journalists believe that neutrality/objectivity means you need to represent a case from “both sides”, which is such a flawed view of journalism.
The truth is not in the middle (and I say that as a centrist). The truth is wherever it is. A journalists job is to go look for that truth, and not pit two crazy sides against each other.
If you listen to two sides, and assume the truth is in the middle of that, you will pretty much always be missing the truth.

And the same mindset is what is infecting politics. If people (voters) believe the truth is in the middle, politicians will be rewarded by going further and further out on their lunatic side, in an attempt to drag “the middle” over to their corner.

Probably yeah, but privilege also isn’t values. Nobody is trying to take your values or traditions from you. But “we” sure are trying to take your privilege from you.


Hence my “somewhere in the middle”. I didn’t mean exactly the middle. lol

But hearing multiple perspectives widens the opportunity to come to a consensus of what may be true. Truth is still based on perceptional interpretation of an individual, vs what is factually true and what is quoted as true.

Factually true example, water is made of oxygen and hydrogen.

Quoted truth example, You said that you were a centrist. Whether that is true or not is up for us to decide. You may believe it to be true, but how do we know it is? lol

Just examples though.

Wow, … really?

So now you are pointing your finger at all Americans?

Grow up and see how damaging your statement is.

Your statement is as evil as the situation where a person is angry at China for starting the covid world pandemic or mad at China for stealing thousands of American secrets and taking their anger out on innocent Chinese citizens in retaliation.

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I think it’s way off to compare Fox to ANY other news station. MSNBC and CNN are not the left-wing equivalent of Fox. There is no left-wing equivalent of Fox.

That’s not to say that they don’t have opinion shows that express biased opinions, just that Fox is so far off the deep end into insane propaganda that it simply has no meaningful equivalent on “the left.”

IE: on MSNBC you have educated people who at least have a respect for facts and reality and interview reliable experts on various topics. They frequently cover the confirmed reporting of other outlets. They’ll even cover topics that aren’t favorable to their own bosses (IE: Maddow’s interview with Ronan Farrow about NBC killing his story while he worked there).

On Fox they to this day continue to push unproven drugs as covid miracle cures and defend and promote white supremacist’s theories and other insane nonsense. They daily continue to try to convince people the capitol attack was essentially a non-event. They regularly give a platform to people who are not only not credible, but actually express dangerous ideas that could actually harm people. They were the ones who gave us people like Scott Atlas during a global pandemic.

My Dad watches Fox every day. When my parents were going on a vacation and were flying into I think Seattle earlier this year, my Dad commented on not knowing if it was safe to fly there because of “ANTIFA.” That’s what Fox does to your brain. They literally live in an alternate reality where left-wing terrorists are taking over cities.

Left-wing media may also whip people up over some topics, but I’d say I’d rather people be whipped up over topics like voter suppression than some weird invented fantasy that has no basis in reality whatsoever.


Heh. They’re getting dangerously close to appearing in California. There is a lot fo wildlands for them to inhabit here too and not one single species capable of defending against them. I mean hell, they freaking decapitate their primary prey.

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i hope one day men aren’t forgotten as they also receive sexual harassment in the workplace and i bet in that terrible environment that many did but are to embarrassed and/or scared to speak up about it especially since they never get any support to do so, only woman get support for whatever reason.

If people actually cared they wouldnt be trying to get internet karma points and would be supporting men too and they would possibly speak up. But alas, all the men who suffered sexual harassment at blizzard will not get help, instead they will be both associated with the problem and have suffered from it.

despicable imo.


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i know a professional troll when i see one.

Well in this case i doubt you recognise yourself in the mirror.

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