Solutions to Extended screen range

Nah it’s fine that spell like arrows, spirits, spears, fb etc go after 16:9, it’s travelling spell/skills. They are important in pvp (like bow vs bow for example).

The problem is that it should not be possible to aim opponent from that far.

To resume, visual limit should be set (like fog of war, black bars in worst case …) after 16:9 (imo.).

Environnement can be shown (and it will be beautiful) but not players/opponents/monsters/item drops.

Also it should be impossible to click after 16:9.

What do you think?


I agree.
But if you can see them, you can aim at them.
That’s why any solution that isn’t FoW, black bars, or zoom-in isn’t acceptable for me.

Unexplored areas should be black - anything explored outside of 16:9 can stay gray fog.


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Exactly. Simple fix.

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I know, but in PvM the advantage from that is really small. You can also hit things offscreen with 16:9, it is yet again only the additional information from an ultra wide screen. And this information can be crucial, e.g. for seeing drops, but not for skills imo.

Sorry… but the next thread? really?

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Looks like its handled in Beta. Screen isnt displaying to the edges. (3440x1440 res)

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Oh you´re right.

Well, i cant play then. Got e refund. Enjoy the game and have fun!

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Nice. Looks pretty dope to me actually. And noone can really complain about that. It is simply fair.

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Thank Diablo! :bowing_woman: