Solo season necro nerfed - 18 GR away

Definitely an understatement…
Here’s to hoping next season/patch will have necros as one of the featured sets.

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lord fluffy made some really good suggestions covering most every set.

Please make a set that uses skills that have nothing to do with the possibility of being buffed by LoTD. LoTD feels like the new Archon and it sucks creativity out the window.

Right now the Necro feels like you can make at best, 3 semi viable builds and 1 of them is extremely situational (Thorns).

I also feel force commanding things (active/passive/target) doesn’t feel good or is very intuitive considering how fast gameplay generally works when encountering trash mobs vs. elites. As a necro you are the general of your army but you shouldn’t have to micromanage every move, nor do you have the time to anyway. Even the auto targeting on the Jesseth set seems to fall off to fast and is often more of a pain then it’s worth.

The Pet WD just feels like the better summoner TBH. (Hell even the pet sader does!)

Playing the Necromancer in general just feels very technical, and not fun like it should be. Even like the way bone armour works is way more complicated than it needs to be. The curses are generally clunky (the auras are nice and every curse should have one).

I don’t know I think honestly the Necro needs a total makeover, but I know that will never happen. It feels like the least intuitive class to play. Every time I give it ago it just feels bad to play.

I could go on for days but I’ll stop now. :upside_down_face:

The hilarious part is that someone actually got paid to make Necro sets, only to find out that its not even viable in higher GRs. Leaderboards is filled with LoD builds.

As a necro player myself, I have to say, keeping LotD up is very difficult and just kills the fun for me, so much cooldown is needed, even with zodiac and sometimes thats not enough.

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I very love necro blood nova …survival and damage do not follow…

Perhaps focus on other sets is the answer. Trag and Innarius? Unless you were using Rat runs to generalize, I haven’t had coffee yet so I could easily miss that.

Seems like the Necro community threw the baby out with the bathwater when they asked for adjustments. It’s funny, but ranking in the top 200 with a 100 speed run seems wrong. Happened to me last week.

Anyway here’s hoping the company doesn’t move you and you enjoy your current role. It’s good having you around Matt.

today I was sent out from public GR and asked to leave due to low survive Seasonal, paragon 649 some primals, 3 defensive tools but voted out by barb , crus and wd lvl 300-500.
In normal game I can play only with some friends as scout or z-necro or I go do VI and hlp newcommers. 3k paragon.
Feeling persecuted & frustrate.
will this ray of hope come true ?
lots of d1-d2 bought the expansion necro for d3 due to nostalgic & high expectations.
To nerf an entire class after release was some sort of social justice motivated by popular demand of other classes - underlining the RAT runs. Should we ask the same for WD or Barb ?
Plz buff necro. I sugest some of dreams:
1, by modif base points of essence (more points with paragon lvl so reilena shadowhook can scale) , add points of essence to other sets or traditional rings & items ( krisb , )
2. combine 2 curses together . add all runes to each curse ( Wd has it already on items, same monk on diffrerent mantras , just necro and wiz can’t combine different shields or curses - imo fraity with leach or decrepify with leach and so on)
3, reduce cooldowns of simulacrum & Lof deaths
4. mulptilers should scale also with paragon points ( like =200% increased dmg to cursed enemies * paragon points * ponderating factor. not to skyrocket)
5. increase proc for resistance & armor with intel . Necrois too squishy & to dependent to LofDeath and slow boots to survive.
6. reduce penalty in life 5% percent life drainage mpoe high regenerative rates & low life.
7, improve mechanics on pets: they stay behind and frequent do nothing. a formation 3 in front 3 behind or something to allow such a setting to send pets in front. improve sekeletons dmg to scale with paragon points.

… those are my wishes.
hope soon I wont feel humiliated cos I chose necro as favorite class.

I feel you man. Because there’s no true balance throughout the builds/sets in this game, players will ask for you to leave or vote kick you because you have the “wrong” build on. It’s just so stupid.

They also need to make a better lobby feature where players can create games with titles. letting players exactly know from the start what GR level everyone is looking to do.

Watch blizzard ignore this like they did with request of changing S20 theme. Kinda sad.

I played necro last season and I feel your pain. Surviving is a real problem - what I ended up doing in pub games was to use all defensive gems and gear that I could get my hands on and mostly contribute through wearing Nems, casting Frailty and having my mages as decoy targets that the mobs could hit. It was pretty said really, but better than being dead all the time.

This has been suggested, and ignored, time and time again. It’s extremely unlikely that anything like that is gonna happen at this point.

Wouldn’t be wild if they could mirror D2 a little bit - Let Golems get the legendary affix of the weapon/armor you used to create the Golem. Obviously you don’t need a weapon/armor or anything to create a Golem, a change would be needed to make this happen.

Just a thought

change Nayr’s Black Death secondary to also include

Gem of Efficacious Toxin

i find it logical:
-a seperate buy can never be the best class.
-i deleted my necro.
-he’s weaker at casual levels and weaker at high levels.
-he’s weak solo and has no real role in group.

i mean, my biggest reason:
bone armour lasts for 60 seconds but has a CD of 10 seconds: maddening;
-i have to press bone armour always first to be sure that silly CD isn’t passed.

The biggest issue with Necro is toughness. This has to be top priority to be fix.

There are a lot of incosistancy with necro equips.


Decrepify - you reduce monster damage for 30% and there are runes which slow down the enemy speed ; or reduce their damage for 40% and it’s spell spam very cheap to use.

Now look GOLEMSKIN BREECHES pants you take 30% less damage while your golem is alive so you would need to use a pant and a skill so you would loose 2 slots for do the same than Decrepify does. And decrepify has some nice reduce cool down rune. So necro would use decrepify and swamp pants with 20% damage bonus. So golemskin breech and the golem skill are no match for this.

So it’s a useless combo. They should improve Golemskin Breech DR amount from 30% to 60% to make competition with decrepify + swamp pants (DR+DMG).