So you want to be a Guardian? Season 19

Firstly, we can view profiles of our characters played such as my 2nd dead character this season. Links can’t be added to posts so you’ll have to search for it another way! I deleted my first character after death on the end of the first day of season launch. All of my starter set gear from seasonal journey gone in the blink of an eye.

Everyone who has a couple of hours to spare each day can complete the seasonal journey to Guardian within a week. Find and enchant your gear and you’re on your way to completing Greater Rift 75 speed runs. Sometimes we finish a solo run in less than 2 minutes.

The Whirlwind Barbarian (Wrath of the Wastes set) just got easier with the new buffs in latest patch or update. The Rend damage is massive. Put in a Royal Ring of Grandeur in the Cube and further increase your Rend damage by wearing either a Mantle of Channeling or Hexing Pants of Mr. Yan. We aim for 57.91% cooldown and our Wrath of the Berserker is active most of the time. We can actually afford to use the Striding Giant rune and still do serious damage before finishing off the journey.

The three gems we can use to start is Bane of the Powerful, Bane of the Trapped, and Gogok of Swiftness. To progress above GR75+ we can still use Gogok of Swiftness, but the other two can be Bane of the Stricken and either Pain Enhancer or Esoteric Alteration. Using Esoteric Alteration is a very safe playing style. Superstition for more Defense or Rampage for more Damage as the Passive skills.

Get your hands on a Nemesis Bracers to kill more Elite Packs and finish off Rift Runs quicker. The alternative is Mortick’s Brace. Mortick’s Brace has the ability to use every rune of Wrath of the Berserker.

The toughest item to find is an 8% cooldown Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac. The next toughest item to find is a 6 second Pride of Cassius. Both of these items help to keep our Ignore Pain active.

After finding all the basic gear, we want to start increasing our Pickup Radius. This will quicken our runs even more. We don’t want to be spending every second picking up Globes or Gold.

Here’s the cake of it all to increase your Rend damage. Ambo’s Pride and Lamentation. A Legendary 1 Handed Mighty Weapon and Mighty Belt to add to your Cube.

Sine we’re playing Hardcore, don’t forget to add Nerves of Steel as your Passive skill. Boon of Bul-Kathos also to keep Wrath of the Berserker active. The three main skills are Whirlwind, Ignore Pain and Wrath of the Berserker. Everything else is optional.

Good luck and have fun finishing your seasonal journey.

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Interesting idea. They changed it a few weeks ago I guess. I remember being able to post a link without any troubles. Thanks.

Does this mean your Deadpool prediction was correct?

I died twice in the first week. Frozen screen and error messages. =)

(really 20 character)

There’s a way around the 20 characters too.
Type the word and hold down full-stop until it hits 20. It won;t show the 20 full-stops either.
See below

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