So what's up with this error 316002

Im trying to start a season 22 chart, but keep getting a error code: 316002 contains restricted or inappropriate words. Now this is clearly not the case since, at this point im just stringing random letters together in the modest hope that something would stick. Anyone have a fix for this annoying problem?


J’ai le même problème impossible de créer un personnage car le nom n’est jamais valide . merci de l’aide s’il vous plait

Idem, I cant create a character…I have tried thousand times…

same here, nothing i type works

Its a riddle from Blizzard. You need to decypher the mystic code you are provided with. So its a feature not a bug.

And another proof of the non existing bug.

Blizzard doesnt care. Fixing bugs does not fill pockets, that is the answer.
Thats just a glimpse of the horrors that awaits you within Diablo 4.


Decypher the mystic code? What are you talking about? Can i play after that?

I’m having the same issue. Just started playing and felt like creating a new character. I’ve tried comming up with loads of unique names, random key-presses; nothing works.

Also affects names in Armory tabs… something went wrong probably :smiley:
Game is unplayable for some people then - urgent fix required…


I’m having exactly the same problem - none of the names I try, including random strings, work.


Try naming your character “Path of Exile” it worked like a charm for me.


same here, eu servers

install the game after a long time, cant create character, uninstall game :slight_smile:


Same here, wanted to start season char and nothing is working… very annoying

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Blizzard please fix your create hero issues.

I’m trying to create a HC hero on Europe using a name I have on hero’s created years ago.

This is not a fix, but a workaround. If you want to play seasonal and have played diablo 3 in the past and have characters already then you can use the rebirth function to make them seasonal.

You only got 3 rebirths, so use them wisely.

Switched Diablo 3 region to Americas and was able to create a new character. Seems this is EU only bug/problem.

Asia is also impacted by this issue.

No, I have the same problem in the EU and when I searched for it, it showed up in the US before the EU, it’s a global issue, it seems.

Hours known: at least 12

Posts found by blues, anywhere: zero

Cares given by Blizzard, also put at zero, but hey shareholders are getting good reports. Sacked 800 staff last year, another 260 to go in France, more to follow, but Bobby boy is getting good dividends, so all is good in the world, eh.


Same here, from asia

I find !!! you need to push more time enter and after a moment you can play !!!