So firebird is dead

NS typhon hydra can push 120. 2300P

So again, Blizzard OVER nerfs a build. It really DOES show how incompetent they are and how little they understand their very own game.

All good, I have even less reason to play s25 and beyond. Season journey for the pets/xmogs and then done with the game.


The same impression. I dont know, why i must do s25.
Play for missbrainded DH, nope.
Barb? i dont like this
Crusader? lol
Monk, leave me pls.
maybe necro or wd, maybe not. maybe i drop D3 for next PTR

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This was my suggestion for Firebird’s:

This or halve mirror images damage…

I hope the listen the wizard plea lol

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That sounds a lot like Barbs from several eras ago “enjoying” wall-charging to build up their Raekor stacks faster. And basically being required to do that, because R6 was the strongest build by a fair margin, but only if you played it in that particular way.

The FB nerf is definitely not ideal. But being locked into one super-powerful build that is also awful to play sucks.


Yup, well said. Thing is, this crap mechanic still persists on consoles. I should have pointed out that my post was meant as sarcasm, at least in parts. What I fail to understand is that they went after MI while leaving this one alone. Very consistent.
The good thing on consoles is that Twister won’t interrupt channeling. I’d like to see this ported to PC. The corner-stacking on the other hand should be taken out. They made sure this is not possible on PC. so why is this crap still allowed on consoles?


Yeah, doesn’t make much sense. I guess the most likely explanation is that they have to fix things on console both separately and differently (i.e. they can’t just copy code over) and they just don’t care enough to allocate the resources to it.

And, I guess stacking Twisters in the corner pales in comparison to just cheating a 1H weapon that does 50,000 damage straight into the game. Very grateful that at least we don’t have that kind of garbage here on PC.

Classic pre-twisters deathwish still has a 1 second grace for the 325%. Glad I saved one… lol No season play but oh-well.

yes, I really only like the DH class, although I do enjoy WD HT garg build and of course, the wizard FB MI shields build.

The shadow set updates for the current PTR are a complete joke, and HT garg is still very much underpowered and non-competitive. monks and crus seem to always fair the very best, no matter what and they seem to receive the most love from Blizzard’s devs.

LOL, not really! Crusader has been at the top of the heap a fair amount of the time, but Monk was somewhere between mediocre and terrible for pretty much the entire stretch between era 4, with Static Charge, and era 14 (the current one) with the buffs to Inna and LoD WoL.

Edit: I made a post / spreadsheet about this topic.

Right Monk mediocrity lasted entirely too long, they deserve this but if there’s no adjustment next season to Inna’s then we have an issue because that would be going on 3 seasons where Firebird and GoD OPness lasted 1-2.

I think last season it got a pass because Ethereal’s made everyone pretty OP , but Shards being more balanced it’s reared it’s head out.
We’ll have a record amount of Monks and WD’s and very low wizard populations next season. Barb, WD, DH and Crus will be moderate to good amounts.
They’re getting there though at least no class is 15-20 tiers behind like in previous seasons!

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Firebird and MM conflagrate could be hottt. Just needs a little love. Still hoping/ dreaming of an AO rune balance.

Innas can’t go live like this, the question is if they adjust the set or the shards.

Even if Innas isn’t adjusted this patch, it’s on the docket.

But you’d need at least a heavily reworked Mirrorball for that:

+15-20% Attack speed
+Min/Max damage
+8-10% CHC
+2 random magic powers
Legendary Effect:
Magic Missile gains the Seeker and Split rune effect, strikes twice and the number of projectiles is tripled. Hitting enemies with Magic Missile now grants a Mirroring Shield that reflects control impairing effects back to their source for 10 seconds.

For a more broader update, I would suggest to increase the damage of MM big time, but as a blue affix, instead of raising the attack speed.

Not a fan of seeker really. But it’s a fun idea. Making it replicate on hit is more appealing to me.