So, Bazooka Wiz received its nerf?

Sooooo…am I the only one noticing a big fat nerf in the bazooka build?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m the first one saying it was too much powerful and shouldn’t even exist in the first place, and I know Blizzard wanted to nerf it BUT…

Why doing it without making it official in the patch notes?

In the animation you can see Sleet Storm being interrupted before Archon if you pay attention, so that’s how the build was nerfed (and again, I’m completely okay with it)…
I’ve been trying doing GRs 135 multiple times with my team, and normally we would clear that in half time, but now I can’t even one-shot trash sometimes…

Honestly I just don’t understand why doing it without actually SAYING IT OFFICIALLY, somewhere.

It is in the patchnotes. The fixed bugs section

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Sorry, I am dumb. I lost that part!

Most likely patch note editors forgot to mention that.

I was hoping for new wiz set tbh

To be honest i see this as great new. Game was never really designed for people to ever be doing 150s in the first place

Sorry to tell you but bazooka is working just fine. Just watch the streamers

Well RIP any kind of Meta Change then…

Nerf? Really? Do a bunch of you just go around on the forums and want every character build nerfed? The Bazooka Wizard has a job and trust me, its not OP.

The meta will change: RGK will be Crusader for the push meta now.

Bazooka still works…


Yes if they let that insane RGK build stay like that. It is at least 15GR stronger than DH RGK.

Since Sader can kill any boss with no problem (with or without adds) DH will be completely out of any 4 man groups.

In 2.6.6 DH could sneak in as RGK in lower lvl GR non meta groups. Was hard to find party for that. With this Crusader changed it will be impossible to find 4 man party for DH.

There have already been 49 GR150 clears with Bazooka as DPS and HF Crusader RGK on the America’s LB.

If they nerfed the script-run build it wasn’t by much.

As a kick in the teeth to the nerfed WW Barbs, HF has already done GR141 solo.
Go figure.

That is in NA. In EU dude did 146 in time and 150 in 16 mins.

As written elsewhere in the forum, the window of opportunity in bazooka is shortened which means legit play is impossible but macros apparently still work. Good job, as always.

14M natural meteor
820M bazooka meteor

do the math…