They don’t need to allow an offline play for that; that would invite piracy and modded servers that they would sue.
Simply a new comprehensive shareware which plays offline with occassional system check monthly would suffice as a base, then modder would need a source dev kit or so.
I doubt they would take that move though but it’s still better than asking them for an offline mode while offline mode on consoles are out there.
I think that’s quite irrelevant as offline play wouldn’t have a lively market.
On the other hand if offline and online modes are not separated well, as seen at D3 in consoles or Diablo 2 on PC even, it’s about time that players may find ways of duping items via disconnect/buffer techniques. On top of inconsistency on GR recordings and community features, you’re trying to convince them to allow potential dupes, giving a backdoor for piracy and modded servers to file law cases.
Get a console if you want to play offline D3, if you want modifications then ask for a moddable shareware demo with SDK. Still I wouldn’t count on it but you may never know.
You quoted someone saying that leaderboards are a form of competition then said that wasn’t your opinion, i.e. that suggested that your opinion was that leaderboards weren’t a form of competition.
So, you decided to use emoticons to replace grammar and then get upset when I didn’t decipher your intent? Try using clear language instead of hand symbols.
Until they do away with bots, competing on the leaderboard is like…well…competing against cheaters.
It may be a form of competition, but it’s not a very good one. You can do just about anything in a competitive manner. Doesn’t mean you should, or that it’s a good idea.
Hell, they even took out that PvP arena mode just before the original D3 launched, what does that tell you?
Go play an actual competitive PvP game, one that was designed for it, and actually deals with cheaters on a regular basis. Literally every other Blizzard title is, or contains, competitive PvP.
Or I guess people can continue to cry and moan about how they can’t move up on the ladder because of botters, who have been around since Diablo 2…so…19.5 years?
Actually you should be competing against yourself. Always improving your personal best. Sure both you and I would love it if one day Blizz could get rid of all botters permanently. But at the end of the day, no botter or bot program can stop you from improving your personal best.
If one day you actually clear a GR that is the highest GR clear at the fastest time that is faster and higher than any other of the 1,000 players on the boards for your class. Then you will be number one, no botter or bot program can stop that from happening.
That told me that the PvP arena wasn’t sustainable in the long run. Look there were those that were part of the internal testing that told Jay he was wrong about certain things. I think that he listened to them concerning the PvP arena. That fun wouldn’t have been sustainable due to all of the one shot matches, more so now than at D3 vanilla.
PvP only games are not the only games where players can compete. Some games have excellent ways for players to compete against each other that have healthy competition without it being actual PvP.
No it’s more than that. Diablo 3 is not truly competitive because of the mechanics of the game. It’s random loot, random chance to reroll item properties, random groupings of mobs giving you advantage/disadvantage in GRifts clear speed, random Rift boss at the end. And to top all of that off, you have botters that continually farm Plvls, making it much harder to compete on the ladder, so the competition isn’t even legitimate. You are competing against cheaters.
I am saying, go play a game that is actually designed to be competitive, ie, based on skill, and not luck, and that actually ban cheaters on a much more regular basis than this game.
In Diablo, all that randomness basically translates into a giant time sink.
Didn’t get the set you were looking for? Keep farming.
Didn’t roll the item property you wanted? Keep farming.
Didn’t clear the GRift in time? Keep farming.
If you didn’t have botters, who would dominate the leaderboards? The people that can play the most and/or have the best luck.
Diablo = time played. It’s a casino simulator. Keep rolling the dice until you get the thing that you wanted. Get enough things and that allows you to clear a higher GRift and move up on the ladder. Keep farming to get more Plvls, to continue climbing the ladder. It’s not skill, it’s time played. Some skill, true, but once geared it’s primarily about having a high Plvl which is nothing but time played.
In FortNite, it’s random loot, but it’s skill-based. Knowing how to move, aiming, quick building, etc. You can still do well with crappy weapons if you know how to play well. Time spent in this sort of game, you are actually improving a subset of skills, and not just endlessly farming to “get good”.
I just used FortNite as one example, because it shares a similar mechanic with random loot, but in a drastically different way.
In League, it’s about last hitting, lane management, map awareness, mechanical skill of your champion, how well that champion plays against other champions, objectives, knowing when to fight and when to back off. The game is always getting updates, and major updates sometimes force you to relearn champions, and meta changes force you to sometimes change the champions you play, so there is always opportunity to learn new skills.
Diablo = competing against time played, and botters have the advantage
FortNite, League, CS, DOTA, etc = competing against skill level, and better skilled players have the advantage.
Why are some of you so against offline mode? Most people will not torrent the game, hell we already own it and so do the majority of people that would ever buy it anyways. D3 isn’t selling many more copies this late in its life span. Also, games like Grim Dawn are offline and still sell a good amount. They were able to make two full expansions for the game even though it was offline from the get go. D2 LOD also had it and yet we still bought that game. Stop with the torrenting nonsense. Yes, some people will inevitably torrent it, but those people probably never planned on buying the game anyways.
You are quite wrong there is more skill to this game than you know. You would have to actually clear much higher GRs to know it. It takes knowledge of game mechanics, monsters, pylon placement, tile layouts, etc… The skill is gathering mobs together, being able to survive them, proper positioning for maximum effect. Just ask around I am sure that others will say this game is not an entirely luck based game.
This game is also about playing efficiently. Getting the most out of the time you do play this game.
One of the biggest proofs that this game has more skill than you know is when you look at the leader boards of any class. You will see some with paragons 1,000+ lower higher up in the leader boards. So what happened to all of that advantage that the botter got from bots farming paragon.
We know what would happen with an offline mode, which is one of many reasons against it.
At the end of the day Blizz choose to make D3 online only to protect their IP against pirates. Since that worked then it will remain online only. More so since console has offline play anyway. Just go get one of the console versions or even the NS version and play offline to your hearts content.
You may not care about Blizz’s IPs but they do and they will do what it takes to protect them using the lowest amount of money possible.
To them it is about the money. If you could show them a way that they could give D3 an offline mode without having to chase down pirated versions. Something that would make them tons and tons of money then they would give the PC version an offline mode. But since you along with many others can’t do that then we will not see an offline mode for the PC.
You can’t mod the console version. That is the problem. With offline play, the game could be modded to make it into a pretty solid game. D3 had so much potential, but sets turned it into trash. I logged in one time this season and logged after about 10 minutes. Some of us who purchased the game with the promise of pvp etc. should at least get an offline mode to actually enjoy the game. Piracy happens with everything, look at GOT it was pirated massively, but still made bank. Stop arguing against something that some customers want when it will not impact your gameplay at all.
You can beg, plead, QQ, etc… all day long. But it all boils down to money. Blizz will not spend the money needed to give the PC version an offline mode when they know they will wind up spending more money protecting their IP than what they would make in sales. Online only is how they decided to protect their IP. At this stage it would be illogical to go against their choice because of the negative feedback from players.
Taking the approach of don’t do anything to fight piracy won’t help when it comes to protecting IPs. You would understand it if was your IP. IPs are an investment. I am sure that if you had any investments you wouldn’t squander them away now would you. Don’t expect a billion dollar company to squander away their investments by taking the don’t do anything to stop pirating approach.
There would be so many cons to having an offline mode and modding that it isn’t worth the money and time spent giving the PC an offline mode. More so since you have consoles that have offline mode. No, modding doesn’t have to come with offline mode. Just think if Blizz did give PC an offline mode but made it impossible to mod. Then it would be just like console. So if you want to play D3 offline console is the only alternative.
Some skill, like I said. Until your build no longer works for the higher level GRifts and now you have to spend more time finding other pieces of gear, spend more time farming mats to reroll gear properties, spend more time leveling up gems to enchant your gear. Hours upon hours of nothing but farm farm farm after you’ve already done that just so you can finally get back into pushing GRifts.
If I could get a D3 that was moddable, with unlimited stash and a MedianXL/Path of Diablo type mod, I would play the absolute HELL out of it.
It would be the best thing to happen to D3 at this point. No question. I dont play D3 any more, but that would be the thing that brings me back. It would breathe new life into an aging game and fix some of its most serious issues - issues that will NEVER be addressed by Blizzard and are holding it back.
I’m a consumer, I dont care about Blizzard ‘protecting its IP’ or any of that. Its not my job or place to think like that. I think like a consumer. Thats my role in my relationship with Blizzard. So I dont understand why people are talking like they’re corporations, and putting corporations concerns above their concerns of being a consumer. Be consumers. Thats what you are.
Maybe I can address this some? It is because most people are taught to look at both sides of an issue. It puts you in a better position to negotiate and get what you want, or at least reduce your frustration by understanding why something is being done.
Supporting, or demanding, only one side rarely has a positive result. It just gets you shut out of any discussions.
In this case, people are saying they understand the goal of game companies - to prevent IP theft, because that reduces income which is critical to pay staff and continue to develop games. If you like their game, you want to keep staff paid. Most people agree, paying folks for work is good.
The main current means to do that is online only types of games. It prevents a lot of code theft, emulation of servers, cracked games, etc.
By saying we understand WHY that happens, it does not mean we say that is a great thing for us players. It does have drawbacks.
It would be irrational though to expect a company to just throw caution into the wind and remove restrictions. We won’t ever get that. Instead it makes more sense to acknowledge the purpose of the restrictions, and suggest ways to accomplish that goal that still give players the game modes they want. Can it be done? If so, a solution that works for the players and the game company is the best outcome.
Personally, I prefer to understand why a wall is there, understand it is not likely to move, and find a way around it. Just beating my head against it does not have a good result.