Should there be a separate utility for mules?

While I am not a big fan of mules (they take up space on my disk, and that’s not the point of the game), I do get frustrated that the game engine seems to regularly drop items for the class that I last played. Is this fuzzy logic? Or, is it real programming glitch? I mean, Why so many scepters, when I’m playing a Necromancer?

Oh! That’s right! I was playing a Paladin last game!

No joke, I have seen this phenomenon over, and over!

So, put simply, should there be a separate class just for mules, so that users don’t accidentally join a game that has no active players?

There will be no more mule game, all characters will be perm and you wont be droppping items on ground again to mule them, unless you use 2x instances of the game for some reason.

The class you are playing has zero impact on drops, only your toon mf and area/monster level matter.


I have honestly no clue what are you trying to say. Why would you join mule game with no mule char?

Ive done that thousands of times just for the higher drops/exp

Was this confirmed?..

Well yeah me too but that was on purpose.

There needs to be a stable so you can put them there, or at least a post to tie the poor fellow to. Also, if someone comes by and steals it, you can form a posse and track them down, Old West style.

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If people steal your items during transfer, you’re supposed to act like an egirl to make them feel bad and then they will give you your items back.

Like 90% success rate.

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